Tips on Pistol Shooting

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by jitu sati » Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:12 pm

thx dev. but i did feel extremely stupid after the shoot. fortunately i did not shoot anything below 7 but overall it was horrible. the comp was 7th maharaja karni singh shooting comp. anyway as you said back to drawing board. and no i am still with my izzy and with this performance the lady of the house is certainly not going to allow me to buy a LP10

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by airgun_novice » Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:38 pm

Hey Jitu,

Sharing a 2 cent worth from personal experience.

Post match did you get to analyze the "hands were shaking" part. How were they 'shaking' AT the wrist or elbow or all the way down from shoulder ? If the last one I suppose a bit of effort is required from SA side. If at the wrist - did you analyze if your grip was loose or had changed or kept changing ? Do your palms have a tendency to sweat ? If that shaking was at the elbow, may be it didn't lock in properly or tended to slip out of the lock when you were concentrating on the SA. You of course must be keeping yourself hydrated all throughout - but do you use plain water or Glucon D or something such mix-in ? Any medications that morning or the night before ? Good night's sleep ? All assuming there was all OK with the AP ? Why did I bring up the AP thing ? The competitions I have played in 10m AP so far this is what happened:

1. The first at MRA (don't remember the name) was some trials for GFG or something -> I played with LEAKING CYLINDERS. Had just purchased the old P34 from my friend. It belonged to someone else. At IFG Pune meet in May it's seal simply exploded, thankfully not in my hands. That's when I took it to Dr. Shirsat and he told me that its both the cylinders were leaking. I eventually ended up purchasing 2 new cylinders. Score 272/400. Did not carry water and heat took its toll.
2. Capt EZ at MRA -> Just when I thought all was OK, the AP shot with leg swing and off swing and sometimes straight. Intuitively I knew something was wrong all along but was not confident of my own shooting. So I thought "I must be doing something wrong". After the match one of the referees asked me if my AP was leaking as he heard 'loud' sound during dry firing too. I took it to my friend who refused to believe that the AP had a prob till he shot himself. His scores of 6 and 7 convinced him that there was - he is a crack rifle shot and a world champ in his own right. I told him that there was some air coming out of the muzzle even at dry firing and if it was supposed to be. So finally he accepted that the AP had a problem. I took it back to the good Doc. Score 323/400. Did carry water but occasional pain/ cramp experienced.
3. Parle Mahatsov & Ist PTKS Tournament (latest) -> In the first I found that the gun did not shoot as desired and 'adjusted' much to the annoyance of the gurujis. The rear sight 'jumped' up and down. The AP at the best shot at 8 or 9 or in between.The adjustment screw for High-Low simply turned but without the elevation happening. Now this revelation I got just 10 days back when I took it to our good Dr Shirsat and said that I was somewhat dissatisfied with the way the "Up-Down" screw performed.So now I lift up the ramp - turn the screw the way I want and then press it down. Doc's promised to deal with it in Feb once he has some spare time. Score 339/400. Carried 2 lt water with Orange Glucon D. Helped me a lot. The score for the last one I do not have - didn't bother much. You must have read the "One Off day.." article. It went horribly terrible or terribly horrible.

Notice how each time a different problem had 'crept' in. May be they all co-existed in the first place. I got it solved it one at a time rather than attack them all together simply due to the fact that I considered that the AP was never wrong and a novice like me still had miles to go in terms of expertise. That was the advice I also kept getting. I seldom had an expert shooter actually pick up the AP in hand, shoot and then tell me if it was all OK or not.

The last problem still persists but now I *know* it's there. I am not saying that if none of these problems existed I would have won a medal or even shot 95%. But the score and confidence levels would certainly have gone north to some extent.

So what am I trying to tell here ? Please get your AP checked. IZZY has a *known & documented* problem of seals coming off or sliding. Eliminate that possibility. Eliminate any and all 'mechanical' errors. Then your personal errors & short-comings can be concentrated on. In any case, you did quite well. And incidentally, in all the four events I did see guys with IZZY style lever APs. And that Baba Adam ke jamane ki AP has also been winning medals since the days of Baba Adam. :-) BTW, don't get me wrong - but aren't you now experiencing a "Why me?" syndrome? :-) To refer to what you referred long back that was exactly the Q raised by Dr. Abhay Bung before he set out in search of answers. I just came out of 'that'. ROTFL. Good luck to you in your effort to "Analyze This". Hope the 2012 works out to be better for all of us. :cheers:

hvji guruji, dev, tirpassion, et al, please feel free to comment, especially on the checklist above.
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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by tirpassion » Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:27 pm

Hello friends,
It seems so long that I have not written a post. I am in India, in my hometown, Kolkata. It seems that my trip to Delhi will not materialize this time. We will surely catch up next time Dev.

Hi jitu,

please do not get bogged down. You will have to get the POSITIVE things out of the match. The most important one is WHY THINGS WENT WRONG? Find the causes and find the suitable remedy for each, one after another. I could figure out one; Looking at the neighbour's targets.
Another one is probably counting the score after a practise match. This creates expectations and driven by expectations (a parasitic negative thought) which is also a passion, our mind forgets to do the good work. We tend to look for the result before even doing the work. Just think of the pressure of parents' expectations on their children. But in shooting, we ourselves create this pressure of expectation and suffer from it.
In our sport we need to do fine things with surgical precision which need extreme concentration and proper back up from our subconsciuos mind. A lot of energy is needed to feed them. Now, if we allow some parasites to go in our head, the voracious one like 'Expectation', it will eat on our mental energy reserve. The consequenses are known.
I just wonder what a marvel is 'Gita'! DO YOUR WORK, DO NOT THINK ABOUT THE RESULT.

AGN is right in his approach of post match analysis. This helps us to find our real errors and correct ourselves for the next.

You can try this for your 2nd set blockade.
When you shoot in practice session, number your cards from 1 to 8 (total 8 cards). Put the 1st card and shoot one shot. Then put the 2nd and shoot one shot and so on till the 8th card. Then go back to the 1st card (already with 1 impact on it) and shoot one and the put the 2nd and shoot one shot and so on till the 8th. In this way you will shoot 5 shots on each card but never in a series. At the end, if you are tempted to count, count card No 1& 2 will be your 1st set, 3&4 your 2nd, 5&6 your 3rd and 7&8 your 4th.
It will be difficult to find your second set problems.

I am sure Guruji will enlighten us with his views.

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by jitu sati » Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:13 pm

hey tirpassion let me think it over overnight. by the way guys this was my score finally 86,86, 88,90. total of 350

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by airgun_novice » Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:57 pm

tirpassion, how right you are. Gita reference is exactly what I was discussing with Brih/ Ak49/ essdee1972 last Sunday. In the last PTKS match when I had a very bad day, I had some hopes of a good score in AP but none whatsoever in OS-AR. I literally shot the OS-AR with a detached mind, while akin to Jitu, kept a few thoughts churning in my mind. The AP was a wash-out while the OS-AR fetched me a medal to my pleasant surprise. :-) Your idea of one on 1/8 5 times seems nice. Let me try it out the next time I am at the range. Will definitely keep you posted.

Jitu - Congrats. Life and the gun ain't too bad after all, yeah ? :-)
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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by tirpassion » Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:21 pm

Hello Jitu,

Is 350 too bad? We know that you are capable of more. But if it is even an improvement from the last match, it is very positive. You are a gainer in that case my friend and the graph is going higher. So be happy, find out the errors compared to the practice sessions at least and work on to eradicate them (long term job with long lasting result if maintained properly/regularly).

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by tirpassion » Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:43 pm

That is nice AGN. You have realized yourself only. This is what is needed. You can know many things in shooting but unless you feel it, you will not mature.

By the way, I am happy to know today that I have been selected for our Club team to represent our club in the Regional team Championships in France on 11th February. For this event you need to have nerves of steel because it is not an individual match. Your performance will affect the whole team and hence the club rankings.
We won the District Championships on 8th January and qualified for the Regionals. I was also a part of the winning team. I am just happy to share my pleasure with you all.

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by airgun_novice » Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:08 am

Way to go tirpassion - that's definitely a big step forward. I am sure you shall make 'em and us all proud. We shall be waiting. Congratulations ! :-)
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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by dev » Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:31 am

Way to go Tirpassion.
Jeez Jitu you are such a drama queen, I thought you shot 200/400 or something, 350 isn't anything to cry over. It is the same bhayanak score that we can shoot on a bad day. Considering the flak that you got for the 'tamancha' :mrgreen: .
I have found that an aggressive positive mind set like when you decide that you will take the attacker down with you, no matter how big, helps even in air pistol. It is a bit like the gleam in the eyes of the Gauls when someone screams,'the Romans are coming, the Romans are coming...'
But once again I have found the attitude surfaces when one has done loads of practice, otherwise it is like Cacofonix looking around the fireside before picking up his harp.
Here's to more tens...

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by jitu sati » Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:24 pm

hey tirpassion and AGN thx in showing confidence in me. yo dev i wrote the first post imdtly after the shoot and i really did feel i had done disastrously. but i do agree with tirpasion and AGN that there is lot of positive
i can take from this experience.
first that i have now competed in my first real comp in a auto range.
i know how the things take place when one competes
i came to know of my weaknesses and can now work on them in prac and in comps
there is little but sure improvement from my first local comp to this one 328 to 350. so need to do what i am doing in prac more seriously and regularly.
thx guys you people have got me back. i was feeling a bit low after the show

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by jitu sati » Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:25 pm

hey tirpassion great going and congrats. we know you will score well

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by jitu sati » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:47 am

guruji aap kahan hein

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by tirpassion » Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:15 pm

Thanks a lot friends,

but you have put in so much of air in my balloon that I am on the clouds now :D . Now do me a favour please! Get hold of a pin, punch a few holes and help me to come down to earth!

I am happy to see Jitu back in form :wink:

I am wondering, where is Guruji???

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by hvj1 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:48 pm

Hello Jitu,
From 328 to 350, now that is a quantum jump of 22 points, which really goes to show, that whatever you have done prior to this match, is correct. Now you have to concentrate on working harder on all the things which you have been doing with the goal of MASTERING it. Which means 100%. Be ruthless with yourself. DO NOT SCORE.
All the Best.

To Dev, AGN, Tirpassion, Jitu,
Sometimes I like sit back quitely and watch the interraction amongst yourself. This multi person interaction throws up a good many points and counter points. As long as things are generally moving in the right direction, I do not like to jump in with my two cents. Self discovery is a very interesting aspect of training, since you get acquainted with your ownself that much better.
Best Regards and let the communication lines chatter.

By the way guys, I often wonder, with so many other blokes popping in to read whats going on, very few leave their footprints, now I wonder why?
1. Is it because they do not wish to reveal who they are?
2. Is it because they do not wish to take the trouble of registering on IFG?
3. Is it because they cannot carry on a discussion due to lack of writing ability?
4. is it because they have no fingers nor toes?
I wonder, i wonder

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Twinle twinkle little Bat.

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Re: Tips on Pistol Shooting

Post by jitu sati » Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:03 am

hey hvj
it is so nice to know that i am generally on the right track. honestly speaking i was preparing myself to take some ticking after my performance at the comp. but now i am feeling much better and feel confident that i will be able to do better in my next competition. i am now concentrating on the aspects in which i felt i was weak during the comp and efforts to strengthen those i was ok in . but i hope i will be able to do much better in 2012. thank you for your guidance and continuous support.

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