Suggest a knife for self-defence please

A posts related to self defence/ home defence. Please post anything related to legal aspects in the 'Legal Eagle' section.
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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by dsingh » Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:01 pm

Regards to all first,
Just recently a Nihang sold me a hunting dagger or survival dagger for just 250 bugs at Anandpur Sihab in a stall it is extremely sharp with saw like edges on other side near the midle ,it is made of pure iron szse is 12 inches of blade 3 inches broad halt one thrid of blade at the top is doubleedged but I got lot of annoyance from my family as whenever I visit such places I Came back with rare weapons antique ones and is asked how come I meet such people anyway I saw rarest type of tegha and Khanda at the same temporarily stall iron of khanda was so solid and sharp one cannot imagine such kind of metal as it seemed to be more than 300 years and 4 inhes broad.
regards to all

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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by ven99 » Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:08 am


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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by Sakobav » Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:43 am


You should post the pictures last news I read was that Kirpans etc being made nowadays arent that strong as the ones in by gone days..


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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by dsingh » Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:42 pm

Sir u r right due to popularity of factory made and chinese stuff demand has gone down but still there r some talented siklighars and Nihangs who r still doing nice jobs pics of khanda and teghas along with the adreess of that Nihang I will post soon apart from this a person selling Kirpans near Gurdwara Dukhnivaran shaiab in Patiala has shown me difference between real sikh weapon and duplicate one 2 years back I bought rare sirohi but this was gifted to my niece I have bought a big tegha but very heavy atleast 3 kg. Survivl dagger is 2 inches broad not 3 if u want to see good kirpans then visit the hola mohalla in Anand pur shaiab or Patiala Kirpan makers who still make good sikh shasters which r hand made. Real sikh tegha is made by 3 persons one making the blade other handle and sheath is made of wood of mango tree which saves the sword from rust and decay only buddha dal people r expert apart from siklighars of Patiala and Hazoor shaiab.

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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by kalashnikovcult » Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:12 am

D singh veer ji you r right, i couldnt find the nihang shop in anandpur sahib , i was searching for him.

i however recent purchased 2 knives from Huzoor sahib , one is a pesh kabz look alike the other one is simple but tough than most of those stylish knives you get , china maal sucks !

i really dont know why people run after the looks when there is less utility.

we can work something out , let me PM you ..
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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by Motorpsycho » Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:48 pm

I would suggest a Balisong/ Butterfly knife , It's small and can be easily concealed. It can be deployed very fast.Though practice will be needed. Don't know the availability of them in India , Chinese copies must be .

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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by kalashnikovcult » Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:06 am

brother any weapon u keep, but always remember you should know to wield it and you need to have a mindset which is ready to many cases the weapon for defense becomes the reason of death for the victim
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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by Bruno22 » Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:32 pm

I wonder what would go through an attackers mind when his victim pulls out some sort of weapon ranging anywhere from a knife to a gun. I think that split second is the victims window to do what he has to do. In general attackers (thieves, thugs and guys who trouble innocent folk) don't anticipate that their victim (the neatly dressed guy with a briefcase) would be armed in some way. After that split second the attacker would very swiftly evaluate the victims ability and mental framework in using his weapon. If he feels that the victim is prepared, has some training or is down right desperate, he will back off. If he sees that the victim is hesitant he will persist and more often than not disarm the victim.

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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by Subal das » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:29 pm

Bruno. that all good and true observation, but goons, they do have their SOP and according to it, those who are capable to rob/assault people always behind of those who do recon. they not a stupid to bump into everyone. Recon guy can approach you like collector of donation for temple, or like street seller of maps or chess or what ever. In such places, when it can happen I usually carry empty/or full coca cola bottle wrapped into news paper and when he get close I smash the bottle into solar plexus of such reckon guy, not strong just in informative way. For out side observers it appears that I just touched him with newspaper.

No body will approach you after that, 100% guaranty. In case if you give them donation, or buy something they will come after your credit card later and after your car and after your wife 's gold necklace and you name it. Be preemptive in defense is the best.
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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by discovershashank » Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:45 am

when u defend someone and fight to someone who has already shown his intentions, its more a fight bitween the wit and strenth of mind. just remember when we are angry and our blood flow all rushing up, we tend to make one mistake, dropping the wepon, when i say this, i mean it coz have been in trouble after beating up guys and had to take a run when the rod sliped and fell far from me, next time i got 2 hoal drilled in (coustome rod :D ) and attached several layer of strong ropes where my hand would fit in, and it worked.. now i know a lanyard on the bottem can do the job as well ... so hre the conclusion, make sure it does not slip and have a lanyard attached.

Now talkting about making of the "byker ninja" , your weapons are the ones which are concealed... this was an important lesson. and , dont pull any weapon till needed. i would sugest a decient boot knife .... muela's cheapst in store wort 1500 is worth he job. an expandable baton is a good choice (again lanyard important) because trust me, not every one who creates problem carries a gun (thats being paranoid but gud judgement is he key) and there is no need shoot or cut them. mostly you will just need the edge and the baton should do it... never had it so just orderd the one on ebay mentioned in the thread while writing :D ... will get pics and a review when in hand.

I think a knife like this should help in a combat .. as i sed u dont need to cut al the time. the knuckle will knock off a guy who is already nervous looking at u charging with knife.. ... BK1266.jpg
A knife makes me feel stronger, keeps my temper down and gives me the courage to fight for the right. If I am wrong, don't correct me...

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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by Moin. » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:05 am

How about investing in a simple solid brass knuckle dusters ! 150-250 INR !depends where you are buying them! ... duster.jpg

From what i've heard getting caught carrying knuckles can get you into a lot of trouble with the cops. A knife with a 3 inch blade preferably within a multitool is the best carry option...

Kubotan/tactical pens is a very interesting concept, but does'nt it require some training for proper usage or you'll be really pissing off some bad guy trying to poke him with a sharp little stick.. :D

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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by eljefe » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:28 pm

We do live in a greenie society, many a metrosexual shaves his chest, gets a facial and prefers to buy his 'shelf grown meat' off the supermarket-In India too, not just off the pages of VOGUE
A knife wielder is considered a wierdo-I've seen that.And I am NOT aplogetic in my tastes for the obscure and politically incorrect.
From a legal perspective (there goes the damn word again!)
self defence is only for the forums and books.In real life, its a rare cop/ magistrate who would NOT first lock you up, police custody 21 days, get your brains mangled so that you'll confess to the sinking of the Titanic, then; homicide, if not 302-murder.
The knucks are bad news, very shades of a person who goes looking for trouble, gangster, bad guy-Prosecution can have your cojones in the grinder very easily.
The mindset? how many regularly slaughter a chicken (goat) use a knife, wont faint at the sight of blood, stick yourself in the calf?
How many practice on a dummy to get in lethal/non lethal strikes?
finally, that shiny big serrated edge survival 14000 rupee Rambo knife? fell of the sheath and the blade snapped at the blade -handle junction!
DONT carry a knife, unless you are prepared to use it-BODY MIND AND SOUL
and have a lawyer who answers your call at 0230 hrs.
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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by kenhypno » Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:07 am

"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." -- The Dalai Lama, (May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times)

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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by eljefe » Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:53 am

Its not the mode, its the fact that a knife has been discovered on you...
Designed to do something EFFICIENTLY, enough length to to give you that stand off distance, and if push comes to shove- will reach any organ. That Moran? skinned a deer and didnt come up for air once. Still shaveable sharp.VG steels-Jai ho

Edit- NO lanyards for me-too many reasons, none very good
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Re: Suggest a knife for self-defence please

Post by .32 » Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:00 pm

I've been using a Victorinox Knife, looked fine but wears very fast. The blade doesn't hold its edge well.
A very less than ordinary knife but expensive.

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