Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

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Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by mohshar » Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:20 pm

Greetings IFG Members,

I am glad to share the Werywin Defence Victor Pistol in 32ACP caliber, it is a compact size polymer frame striker fired pistol in 32 ACP Caliber with 15+1 capacity. We were developing this since past couple of years and had to make a lot of changes in standard striker fired design to accommodate the low powered 32 ACP caliber. The lightening cuts on the slide are very evident due to 32 caliber needing light weight.

Finally the design is tested with more than 4000 rounds so far and performing well with variety of 32 ammunition. The launch will shortly be done on our website in few days alongside other Smith and Wesson product lines. The approximate price of Victor 32 Pistol will be about 1,70,000 + Taxes.

Pardon my absence for a long time, the business had kept me occupied.

Suggestions welcome!

Mohit Sharma
Werywin Defence Private limited
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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by Lucid dreamer » Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:38 pm

Excellent news for the shooting fraternity.Hopefully no more delays

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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by mohshar » Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:47 pm

No delays expected so far. Expression of interest to open with the website in few days and deliveries planned by end of this year.

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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by sjohn » Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:51 pm

Wonderful news, congratulations! What about your M&P line up. Could we expect similar delivery timelines.

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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by Vineet » Thu Jul 06, 2023 5:13 pm

The edge that good quality .32 acp pistol has over .45 like MSD pistol is the ammo price and ammo availability. In .45 we are dependent on import of ammo but .32 acp is manufactured locally.
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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by Shadmohammed » Thu Jul 06, 2023 5:48 pm

but where is license sir to buy this beautiful product

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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by partheus » Thu Jul 06, 2023 8:35 pm

Nice to have you back @Mohshar. The pistol looks gorgeous! I don't suppose it could come with a thumb safety like the M&P and an ambidextrous mag release :)

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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by Niteshkumar » Thu Jul 06, 2023 10:05 pm

Is it a design of smith and Wesson???
No where smith and Wesson logo or design on the pistol ???

Or this is your own design and nothing to do with smith and Wesson

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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by mohshar » Thu Jul 06, 2023 10:56 pm

@sjohn - Thanks, M&P line up may take little longer, about first quarter of 2024 but S&W revolvers and Victor Pistols will be available by end of this year.

@Vineet - We invested so much time developing it due to exactly the same reason, ammunition costs. Moreover, even if someone starts manufacturing 45 ammunition, it still is tough to handle the recoil and manage consistent shot placement.

@partheus - Thanks. You're right it doesn't have a thumb safety and ambidextrous mag release but we have it planned in the next version. The manual safety was taking too long and delaying our launch, there is always room for more features.

@Nitesh - It's our own design and S&W doesn't make a 32 ACP pistol nor they plan to. Smith and Wesson M&P line will come in 45ACP and available in our brochure.

@IFGians - Adding some recent pictures with both 9mm and 32 ACP Victor pistols. Uncoated (Our DLC vendor throw tantrums, bear with us), but our mills are running full speed.

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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by yes.sir98 » Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:27 am

mohshar wrote:
Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:20 pm
Greetings IFG Members,

I am glad to share the Werywin Defence Victor Pistol in 32ACP caliber, it is a compact size polymer frame striker fired pistol in 32 ACP Caliber with 15+1 capacity. We were developing this since past couple of years and had to make a lot of changes in standard striker fired design to accommodate the low powered 32 ACP caliber. The lightening cuts on the slide are very evident due to 32 caliber needing light weight.

Finally the design is tested with more than 4000 rounds so far and performing well with variety of 32 ammunition. The launch will shortly be done on our website in few days alongside other Smith and Wesson product lines. The approximate price of Victor 32 Pistol will be about 1,70,000 + Taxes.

Pardon my absence for a long time, the business had kept me occupied.

Suggestions welcome!

Mohit Sharma
Werywin Defence Private limited
Frist of all, Congratulations on the unveiling of a new pistol.
In the times where every indian manufacturer was coming out with ppk and llama replica, you’ve come out with comething fresh and modern. Hope it achieves the success it deserves.

i just wanted to ask a couple of questions, 1) will you be producing the ammo as well?
I see .357 Mag and .45 ACP chambered weapons on your catalouge.

2) Will we see long guns such as .22 AR 15s from S&W and shotguns and Bolt action from your firm? if yes then what will be the time line for the same?

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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by Operator » Fri Jul 07, 2023 10:54 am

Hi Mohshar,

What about your dealer network , so far most of the dealers are very negative about werywin .
Do you have the permission from the government to manufacture and sell firearms to civilians or is it still in process ?

mohshar wrote:
Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:47 pm
No delays expected so far. Expression of interest to open with the website in few days and deliveries planned by end of this year.


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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by partheus » Fri Jul 07, 2023 2:04 pm

Cool, thanks! Will the mag release on the Victor be swappable from left to right though?

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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by Mayurdhwajsinh » Fri Jul 07, 2023 5:45 pm

The website was going to go live today, now the countdown timer shows still two more days

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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by mohshar » Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:05 pm

@yes.sir - Thanks for the appreciation and kind words. Ammunition is on the cards and we plan to bring it next year. We will love to bring the 22 AR15 (S&W15-22) and other product lines but will focus one thing at a time. Product lines will mostly depend on demand and we will start the new products survey next year to identify new opportunities.

@operator - Dealer network registration to start with the website and all Werywin S&W products will exclusively be sold through dealer network, dealer registration will be an open and transparent process to include and welcome every potential dealer across India. Our permits are under process and we will start commercial sales only upon receiving all necessary government approvals and procedures mandated by the Indian law.

@partheus - My left hand folks, the mag release on Victor is ambidextrous and maybe swapped to your preference. Pardon my last response that it is not ambidextrous.

@Mayur - We stil are working on the website and couldn't finish everything due to the weekend. I assure you that coming Monday will mark the start of the website, by late evening in all likelihood.

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Re: Victor Pistol - Polymer Striker Fired 32ACP

Post by casual shooter » Sun Jul 09, 2023 12:20 pm

mohshar wrote:
Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:20 pm
Greetings IFG Members,

I am glad to share the Werywin Defence Victor Pistol in 32ACP caliber, it is a compact size polymer frame striker fired pistol in 32 ACP Caliber with 15+1 capacity. We were developing this since past couple of years and had to make a lot of changes in standard striker fired design to accommodate the low powered 32 ACP caliber. The lightening cuts on the slide are very evident due to 32 caliber needing light weight.

Finally the design is tested with more than 4000 rounds so far and performing well with variety of 32 ammunition. The launch will shortly be done on our website in few days alongside other Smith and Wesson product lines. The approximate price of Victor 32 Pistol will be about 1,70,000 + Taxes.

Pardon my absence for a long time, the business had kept me occupied.

Suggestions welcome!

Mohit Sharma
Werywin Defence Private limited
One quick question : Is the .32 Revolver S&W origin or your own reserch product as it has S&W branding

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