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Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:17 pm
by eljefe
vjha55";p="38649 wrote:can you think of bravery without putting oneself in danger, .
Actually YES-reading your treatise on the ethics of communication-calls for a supreme kind of bravery, not normally seen in the plastic surreal world of 2008...
while you are on 'rationale of cowardice and the ethics of bravery'surely a magnum opus surpassing Heiddiger ,Von Clausewitz AND Sun Tsu combined, have mercy on lower life forms like us?
This forum is about guns and gun lovers and responsibility-not a bulletin board to post your sperm count and testosterone assay
While you're putting up imaginary scenarios, dont you think its time to:
a.increase your medication
b.Change your dealer?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:28 pm
by nagarifle
hey wake up C-C ur going to have bed dreams. :) :lol:

sorry to butt in gents.

best defence is retreat is the question i believe, correct me if am wrong.

Shooter put it right. (It’s my thinking) you have to train ur self for the situation at hand and to deal with such scenario that may occur.

Its not only physical training but also metal training as well that should be taken into account.
The law is the law of the land,

(And that’s something out side ur control at the time of conflict.)

This i am saying because unless ur are aware of the law for a given situation and now how to for full the law without stepping out side of it.

The law would evidently decide the legal outcome.

Some time its better to do six years inside then six feet under.

Bottom line is train for the situation and expect the worse, hope for the best.
