READ FIRST before posting anywhere!
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Post by eljefe » Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:24 pm

Even for a Luddite like me-means READ THE FREAKING MANUAL
Thank you all members for your interest in guns, and signing up to be here.
so read and follow the rules of this forum.

Basic manners- when you are a guest in someone's house, you dont walk in, rest your feet on the dining table and expose your genitalia. A bit crude and non PC, but thats the way it is.
If a post is relevant to you, your knowledge /exposure and back ground-sure, go ahead and post.If not,lurk and learn.
There are members here who have probably the equivalent of decades of firearm related knowledge.Mostly happy to guide you.They dont have to be a Mod.

Gun laws-Indian gun laws are the strictest in the world-as is enforcement. So get interested in gun laws of IPC while you are here, whether a seasoned old timer or a wannabe gun owner.

Social media- there are a plethora of vids on newer gun releases available in India.
They dont mean anything.
Some of the more infamous ones- A wannabe gun owner who cadged a visit to a pistol manufacturing unit , filmed himself pointing the handgun at everyone in camera range, with his finger on the trigger.Status of handgun -unknown.
Finale was shooting at a stone backstop to check range and penetration.
Or the (in)famous gun dealer who runs a sales spiel for the latest firearm available with him-no gun safety, finger on trigger, handgun pointing everywhere but UP/DOWN
safety status unknown.His finale was also taking pot shots at a stone wall.

GOI, IPC rules on discharge of firearms in city/ celebratory manner/test

Wedding 'fire in the air'
Multitudinous real life stories of death(common) injuries (not so common!) at wedding ' fire-in-the air'
A Couple of times that I can recall, the groom was shot dead.

SOME areas/districts may allow vermin hunting , after due verification by concerned authorities, limited animals etc. NOT the neighbourhood snake /wildboar etc

If you're doing things like above, DO NOT POST HERE.We dont want to know, and in the interest of public safety and legality, we will report you to the law. ZERO TOLERANCE

There are other gun websites in India. They range from the absolutely technical, where people discuss Daniel Defense uppers, Magpul and M-lok forearm grips etc on Indian Service weaponry, to non specialised ones , like IFG. Feel free to explore

IFG was set up to expose legal firearms to the populace,encourage RKBA, safe gun handling and advice to the best of the moderator's ability.

No prior knowledge of firearms,or ownership is required. Abide by the legalities/law, and the forum rules.

You have been determined to be a liability to the conduct of this forum.Shut the door behind you
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

"...Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away..."

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