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Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:24 am
by harshit89
sumanngon wrote:I camp most often, always helped with a full tang knife...but now most often I carry a small camp axe and a small folding saw. Both are light weight and doesnt creat extra load. Recently I experimented with a wire saw...took my energy away. However a wire saw is something that you can carry in your back pocket. A large knife can help you hack a piece of wood but consumes more energy than that done by an axe. Multi tool helps only when nothing is there...otherwise a dud.
Hello sumanngon,

That really good that you often go for camping. I also go for camps and treks when ever I got time from my work.
For the tool that you should take along with you. I would like to suggest you to have a full serrated or half serrated fixed blade knife which can alone be enough for safeguard from any unforeseen emergencies in the camps or treks.

Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:53 pm
by sumanngon
Serrated blades ofte gave me problem while batoning. Hence I take a smal foldable mini saw. Infact my small camp axe does most things, but batoning is still required with a knife.

Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:53 pm
by gladiatorgarg
I think i am joining the party quite late...nevertheless my personal experience which by gods grace i v plenty :) instead of a knife one should carry a fixed blade like khukri/machete to do the bull-working u need in those terrains...and a smal sharp one for skinning purpose...multitools in jungles??thats a waste... :cheers:

Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 5:27 pm
by harshit89
AnandNair wrote::mrgreen: KUKHRI :mrgreen:
Hello AnandNair,

I have come across two kukri knives when I searched the web for it.

The first was the Gurkha Regimental Kukri unacceptable content removed by moderator

and the other was Assam Rifle Kukri ... kukri.aspx

I would like to have your suggestion on both of them. Which kukri knife do you think can be the best as an outdoors survival weapons.

Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:54 pm
by AnandNair
Any traditionally made kukhri is hand forged from hard Truck spring plates and even a rough made will survive the rigours it is put thru. The Assam rifles kukhri has traditional design. But since the source of these kukris is not known, they may be Chinese made from sheet metal too. Therefore I would prefer a local source. And if I have to choose between these two kukhris, I would go for the gurkha regt kukhri as it has full tang
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Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:44 pm
by harshit89
AnandNair wrote:Any traditionally made kukhri is hand forged from hard Truck spring plates and even a rough made will survive the rigours it is put thru. The Assam rifles kukhri has traditional design. But since the source of these kukris is not known, they may be Chinese made from sheet metal too. Therefore I would prefer a local source. And if I have to choose between these two kukhris, I would go for the gurkha regt kykhei as it has full tang
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thanks for the suggestion.

Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:50 pm
by harshit89
gladiatorgarg wrote:I think i am joining the party quite late...nevertheless my personal experience which by gods grace i v plenty :) instead of a knife one should carry a fixed blade like khukri/machete to do the bull-working u need in those terrains...and a smal sharp one for skinning purpose...multitools in jungles??thats a waste... :cheers:
I also think that fixed blade knives with broad knife blade like the machete and khukri. I have also come across two khukri after searching over the net.

Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:14 am
by essdee1972
Gladiatorgarg, welcome back!

Great to see you after a long hiatus!

Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:08 pm
by gladiatorgarg
Thank you bro ESSDEE...its awesome to be back in the pack...guyz if u waana buy a khukrii go n visit dehradun..wide range of choice...affordable..good quality...n off the shelf..if u want custom made its there too :cheers:

Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:08 pm
by harshit89
Got a multitool knife in my fresh collection of knives.

Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:18 pm
by harshit89
Hello fellow members,

I am planning to grab a leatherman multittool, but I am a bit confused about what leatherman tool would be perfect for me for my everyday outdoors. Some of my friends suggested my with great option like Wave, Rebar, Micra. I also search over the net and found the new some leatherman multitools at Please suggest me with the best among them which should be durable and sharp.

Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:10 pm
by essdee1972
What exactly do you mean by "everyday outdoors"? Your tool is best dictated by the kind of outdoors and the kind of activities you do there. A tiny Style PS, which forms part of my EDC, may not serve any purpose for you.

Please do not rely on a multitool knife for your only knife in the outdoors. A Leatherman-type tool has the pliers as its main tool, not the knife. And look for a lockable knife, at the very least.

And every Leatherman will be durable, as long as it is used reasonably.

Leathermans are also available on, flipkart, etc. If you keep watching these sites, you might get a very good deal.

Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:52 am
by harshit89
essdee1972 wrote:What exactly do you mean by "everyday outdoors"? Your tool is best dictated by the kind of outdoors and the kind of activities you do there. A tiny Style PS, which forms part of my EDC, may not serve any purpose for you.

Please do not rely on a multitool knife for your only knife in the outdoors. A Leatherman-type tool has the pliers as its main tool, not the knife. And look for a lockable knife, at the very least.

And every Leatherman will be durable, as long as it is used reasonably.

Leathermans are also available on, flipkart, etc. If you keep watching these sites, you might get a very good deal.
Yes essdee, you are true to some extent. A multitool is not enough for outdoors. But I am sure that it can help a lot for many purposes. And I know that a multitool can never replace a tactical fixed blade knife which is perfect for heavy tasks. Talking about the places to get these, I have earlier gone to amazon, flipkart but later they are like the supermarket for all the products. And I as a knife collector want to get my knives from a knife centric store only. Though amazon, flipkart are good to daily products.

Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 8:25 pm
by xl_target
A good weapon?
Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40 watt range?

Seriously though, as several people have mentioned, you need a decent knife at the very minimum
When I go camping, I take my hatchet and several knives.

I always have my 2.5 inch EDC folder in a pocket but I also take a 3.0 inch folder with me when camping.
These are both CRKT Ron Lake designs. I love this blade shape.

In addition, my kitchen kit contains a small paring knife for food preparation chores.

Re: What is best outdoors survival weapon: Multitool or Kniv

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:30 pm
by aadhaulya
I really love this topic,

I always wanted to camp out. But except for locations in Himachal and Uttarakhand where there are tracks that are recommended for treks. and a few camping grounds. Specially camping out in wilderness around Delhi there are other issues as well. as follows

1. Where do you park your car when you go wandering off, where you are reasonably sure that when you come back you will find all the parts of your car safe.
2. There will be cops around looking to make some money or maybe looking for a star on his carrier. He would be directed to you by the villagers around. So either they walk off with some money but will probably book you in for loitering/ planning a crime and they will find some deadly house breaking equipment (probable just a screw driver) and off course some knives, ropes and countless other weapons that can be used for assault.

I have personally experienced it. We went down to some abandoned stone querries in the Aravili hills in Gurgaon in three jeeps with families. We had booze and dinner there and started on the way back at about 11.30pm.
There was one villager lying on his bike in the middle of the road and a JCB parked some distance behind him at a spot the 4X4 jeeps could also not get around. All of us being from Gurgaon knew some people and taking names was the only option that we saw to get through the situation.
Therefore, I would love to know where one can camp safely around Delhi.

