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Re: Spyderco Bill Moran Drop Point

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:26 am
by Mack The Knife
About regular cutters... I was talking about the stuff you get at stationary shops... As an architect you would be quite familiar with them
Okay, I know what you are refering to now. Never used those as I have always used Swann-Morton surgical scalpels - a throw back to my model making days.
BTW the friend I have joining us on the 28th is also an architect... albeit a conservation architect...
Please give him advance warning of not talking shop. Looks like we are going to have a rather interesting trip, eh? Thanks a million.

Mack The Knife

Re: Spyderco Bill Moran Drop Point

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:34 pm
by TC
penpusher, Victorinox has several models that have multiple applications but with a large main blade haaving a lock. It activates through a spring loaded switch placed on the grip. These mdels are bigger than the standard folders and have ergonomic grips.
The lock is pretty decent and I have never experienced any "accidental closure" of the blade. I bought one from CP. Its possibly called the hunter... has an olive green grip with the head of a deer stamped on it. My pa in law got one for himself in Switzerland. Its called the Mariner. This ones got a serraded blade, blue grips and the face of a compass stamped on it..This one's got pliers too. Just took some pix of it with my nokia. Will send you for reference.

Oh ! referring to your quote on religious feelings. I hope you are aware of the Kirpans launced by Victorinox and the countrywide controversy it kicked off during the launch. I bought the smaller one for my collection since in my city the company had taken the bigger ones off the shelves because of the controversy...

So long


Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:44 pm
by TC
mundaire wrote:Rusty, to answer your questions.... Ok, don't laugh... but when I was in college... early 90's I lifted weights for some months... damn! I can hear the snickers already! :P :lol:

Anyhow - while I didn't beef up any, I did try variations of belts, to protect my back, this was just another vain attempt at making a decent lifting belt... which I abandoned rather quickly... it's still lying around somewhere... Will dig it out in time for your trip... cut it up, burn it... whatever... it's quite useless anyhow...

About regular cutters... I was talking about the stuff you get at stationary shops... As an architect you would be quite familiar with them... we used to use them to cut sheets etc. in our technical drawing/ engineering drawing classes in school.... BTW the friend I have joining us on the 28th is also an architect... albeit a conservation architect...
Sorry Eljefe, my condolence for the Police. Can understand how you feel because
someone ( I know) stole my blackjack folder from my car.


eljefe";p="8165 wrote: penpusher,
I can post a snap-Got mine from Blr-cost me 120 rupees.Its a hardened spike in a cylinderical metal body, as you press down with it, it cocks it self and spike fires a few mm. I think its called a center punch-you dont need to keep the specialised chisels [that were used as center punch] and tap with a hammer to get a dent to start drilling-this one does it with a sustained pressure.
As for seat belts, none will stand upto a decent knife-tried with a sharpened hack saw blade, Leatherman, Spyderco-delica and police models and lastly with a chinese made 'break blade' cutter [available from any stationery or corner shop] stumbled upon this as it was lying in the glove box...there are special 5 in 1 tools used by paramedics in US to break open automobile glass and a plastic covered blade with a sharpened slot to slip onto a seat belt and cut it...moral of the story -Dont keep a prized/expensive knife in the car-I lost my Spyderco Police model, which I have been carrying from S Africa, a while ago.Any good Swiss will be fine.Yes, if you can carry the Moran as a Kirpan, nothing like it!:):)

Re: Spyderco Bill Moran Drop Point

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:51 pm
by TC
Mack The Knife, surprised to know that you started collecting knives but did not read the magazines. This is quite amazing.
I read whatever I can get my hands on.... on knives i.e.
And I collect whatever blade I can afford....

In this country... at least no one can stop me from doing that

So long


Re: Spyderco Bill Moran Drop Point

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:10 pm
by penpusher
Kirpans launced by Victorinox and the countrywide controversy it kicked off during the launch

Can you provide a link.You can find both the larger and the smaller versions in shops here.Even some toy shops have them.Regarding the Victorinox with a larger locking blade,have not seen any of them here .Will check them out the next time I am in Delhi.All my plans for this month have gone haywire.Otherwise I had planed to be in Delhi for a couple of days and also meet Mack The Knife.Hate it when this happens.


Re: Spyderco Bill Moran Drop Point

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:31 pm
by penpusher
The Victorinox Parachutist comes with a belt cutter.So thats the one that I will buy.Thanks TC for pointing me in the right direction.


Re: Spyderco Bill Moran Drop Point

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:33 pm
by Mack The Knife
penpusher, Victorinox has several models that have multiple applications but with a large main blade haaving a lock. It activates through a spring loaded switch placed on the grip.
penpusher, just so you do not misunderstand, the switch only releases after the blade has been opened and is locked open. It wont flick the blade open.

Tanmay, what controversies did the Vic kirpans cause?

Mack The Knife

Re: Spyderco Bill Moran Drop Point

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:36 pm
by Mack The Knife
Sorry Eljefe, my condolence for the Police. Can understand how you feel because someone ( I know) stole my blackjack folder from my car.
I had the vast majority of my collection stolen/lost in one go when transfering from Bombay to Bangalore. Lot of it wont be really missed but one of those was a Randall...

Mack The Knife

Re: Spyderco Bill Moran Drop Point

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:43 pm
by Mack The Knife
Mack The Knife, surprised to know that you started collecting knives but did not read the magazines. This is quite amazing.

I suppose when a certain affinity flows in your blood one does not need glossies or ads to sell the idea.

Mack The Knife

Re: Spyderco Bill Moran Drop Point

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:48 pm
by Mack The Knife
Can you provide a link.

Re: Spyderco Bill Moran Drop Point

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:01 pm
by penpusher
Mack The Knife,

I meant link/s to article/s on the controversy about the vic kirpans.


Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:31 pm
by eljefe
Tanmay, Mack The Knife
A BlackjacK, a Randall and a Spydy Police- I guess we must start a knife obit and 'dear Abby' here soon...:(

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 12:26 am
by TC
True but one can learn more and more and more...I read a lot. The good magazines carry lots of useful articles some based on research and study. Give me any reading material worth its salt and I am off for at least two hours.

Mack The Knife Bana";p="8263 wrote:
Mack The Knife, surprised to know that you started collecting knives but did not read the magazines. This is quite amazing.

I suppose when a certain affinity flows in your blood one does not need glossies or ads to sell the idea.

Mack The Knife

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 12:30 am
by TC
Eljefe, you cant imagine the pain....its like putting to sleep a pet who shared every moment of your life and never asked for anything in return.....

For me its always been like that.

The whole collection !!! And a Randall too !! Mack The Knife I would have really really done something crazy if I had to go through a similar experience. More condolences boss.

eljefe";p="8268 wrote: Tanmay, Mack The Knife
A BlackjacK, a Randall and a Spydy Police- I guess we must start a knife obit and 'dear Abby' here soon...:(

Re: Spyderco Bill Moran Drop Point

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:03 am
by TC
penpusher, sending pictures of the mariner. I wont be home for a few days so cant show you the hunter. The marine has more applications.. The hunter goes as the name suggests..Will try to give you the phone no of the vic shop in CP. It was India's first official vic outlet. Owned by a Sikh gentleman. Nice people. They allow my wife to describe every new knife to me over phone when she is in Delhi and sometimes the saleswomen also volunteer to phone in the details while I make up my mind in Kolkata...( Lucky guy I am !!! )

These lock blades are good utility knives..The mariner has a serraded edge. Could cut through seat belts!!!
Will try it out as promised to the forum

Thanks Mack The Knife for clarifying the detail on vic safety..I was in a hurry while writing that mail. It really sounded as if its a switchblade !!

So long