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Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 7:22 am
by xl_target
Those might be good examples, Grumpy.
Really though, I can't find one doggone thing wrong with this one.


True Story:
My gun club sold calendars for $20 for a chance to win one (or multiple) of 52 different guns. That's correct! One a week.
The guy who runs the drawing called me last night.

Him: Hey, you won one of those guns in the drawing last night
Me: No kidding?
Him: No, No, not at all.
Me: That's, for sure, different (the "for sure", going above and beyond the perfectly economical "that's different", conveys extreme excitement. Especially if the pitch is raised just a tad).
Him: Well, you deserve it
Me: Thanks
Him: You bet!

In Minnesota, you wouldn't jump around and wave your arms and shout. "I won, I won". That would just be plain wrong and people would look at you funny. They would dismiss you and say, "Oh, he's just a foreigner". So being a foreigner, you have to be more restrained than the locals, so they will say: "He's a good steady guy". Which is the ultimate compliment!
It's different in the Twin Cities, where you have students and bunches of foreigners. People would be more tolerant of that because they get exposed to more of that kind of behavior. They might shoot a glance at each other but that's it. I mean, we wouldn't want people to think we were racists or something.

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 8:05 am
by timmy
Grumpy wrote:

and, of course, there are LOADS more !
My Mom lives in Wayzata.

I drink pop sometimes, but not as much as I used to.

"Soda"? That's something you cook with.

I've hit a couple of deer while driving.

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 8:23 am
by xl_target
I hit a deer once, many years ago. It was a 1985 Dodge Aries. They totalled my car.
In Minnesota, a State Trooper can write you a tag for the deer if you hit it and kill it. With the extent of the damage to my car, both the State Trooper and I were sure that the deer was dead. He asked me if I wanted it. I said " sure, I might as well have something to show for this".
Both of us searched for the deer for over half and hour and never found the dang thing.

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 11:24 am
by essdee1972
Thanks guys!
:stupid: Forgot about wikipedia! But then, wikipedia doesn't give such enjoyable answers as good old IFG! And of course, I wouldn't have got the pointers to speak Minnesotan! For shure, this dang post gave me some knowledge...... :wink:

XL, musta been one tough deer! And please show us the gun you won.....

37 degrees C - you are in Mumbai territory now, just need 80% humidity to round things off!

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 12:22 pm
by xl_target
essdee1972 wrote:Thanks guys!
:stupid: Forgot about wikipedia! But then, wikipedia doesn't give such enjoyable answers as good old IFG! And of course, I wouldn't have got the pointers to speak Minnesotan! For shure, this dang post gave me some knowledge...... :wink:

XL, musta been one tough deer! And please show us the gun you won.....

37 degrees C - you are in Mumbai territory now, just need 80% humidity to round things off!
Yes, and here I was thinking that the deer would be pre-tenderized. Must have been one tough deer! Must be something in the water.

About the gun, it is a Remington 870 in 20 ga. I will add it to my 870 post when I get it. The sad part is that I just bought a 20 ga. semi-auto last week. Still, I'm not going to say "No" to a free gun.

About the humidity: on our license plates, it says 10,000 Lakes. Belive me there are a lot more than 10,000.
In the summer when things start getting hot, the water evaporating off the lakes gives us a real high humidity. It can get practically equatorial.

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 9:22 pm
by Grumpy
You have to remember that some of those lakes are just puddles - I thought Minnesotans didn`t boast ?
Yeah, seen the lakes - or some of them anyway - from the air ..... There are an awful lot - at least 10,000 I`d estimate..... ;)

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 10:13 pm
by shooter
minnesota is famous for geese shooting. What does this weather mean for the sportsman? I had met up with a few old timers and shooting buddies and everyone was of the opinion that the ducks will come in late this year.

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 10:25 pm
by timmy
Grumpy wrote:You have to remember that some of those lakes are just puddles - I thought Minnesotans didn`t boast ?
Yeah, seen the lakes - or some of them anyway - from the air ..... There are an awful lot - at least 10,000 I`d estimate..... ;)
The maximized surface area of the "puddles" will increase that evaporative situation XL talks about.

It seems you have a good eye, Grumpy, as there are more than 10,000 lakes:

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 10:33 pm
by Grumpy
I doubt even Minnesota can get as humid as Manhattan on a 100 plus degree day in early August ......

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 11:07 pm
by timmy
DC is worse. Even in the old days, the question was raised about building a city in the swamps.

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 11:51 pm
by Grumpy
Only been there once .... and not in August. It`s a place I have no desire to revisit.

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 11:57 pm
by timmy
I worked in DC on a project and have been there a number of times for meetings. For me, there are many good things about DC:

The museums
The monuments
Te White House & Capitol
Great restaurants
The Mall is beautiful
Arlington National Cemetery is very meaningful to me

The time to go is about a month past -- you want to go when the Cherry Trees are blossoming around the Tidal Bssin. The blossoms are a riot of delicate pink and are all over -- beautiful! They were a gift from the Emeror of Japan for Teddy Roosevelt brokering the Treaty of Portsmouth, ending the Russo-Japanese War.

But one bad thing about DC is the weather. It is horrible in the summer and can be bitter in the winter. There are also neighborhoods which are not safe. Unknowingly, when I worked that project, I stayed in one, but had no problems.

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:29 pm
by xl_target
CK found a real gem.
I thought it would be a good addition to this thread.

Bizzare Foods - Minnesota.

You might even recognize some of the places shown, from my Minnesota State Parks thread,

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:47 am
by ckkalyan
Thanks for adding the video on here xl_target - quite interesting and adds a lot of flavor to MN! :D

Re: I'm sick of this!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:30 am
by TwoRivers
ckkalyan wrote:"...quite interesting and adds a lot of flavor to MN! :D
...only if you don't forget to add lots of butter :D