Hello fellow enthusiasts

Discussions on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
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Hello fellow enthusiasts

Post by EdinFla » Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:28 am

Hi there.

I am an American in Florida, USA and I am interested in seeing how the rest of the world eals with gun laws. I have been on your site a few times but I thought that I'd register in case I wanted to add my 2pence to a discussion.

As you might know, this topic heats up every election cycle here, usually with no impact.

I think that people are getting wiser in that they realize that current laws simply are not being enforced.

Anyway, I will read and learn.

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Re: Hello fellow enthusiasts

Post by herb » Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:57 am

Hello EdinFla, Welcome to the forum.


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Re: Hello fellow enthusiasts

Post by chicky » Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:04 pm

Hi EdinFla,

Welcome to IFG from all of us here , we look forward to your inputs based in the US.
We are aware that in the US there is only 10 States that have liberal Gun laws. Here in India it's different , we are neither here nor there, and our new Arms Act amendment may only add to the confusion. My humble veiw is that, there should be strict background checks before an arms licence is awarded, but once awarded there should be a freedom to choose and to procure. Gun Laws should be favourable to all law abiding citizens and very strict to people of dubious/suspected backgrounds.
Best wishes,

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Re: Hello fellow enthusiasts

Post by sohampaul11 » Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:10 pm

Hello and welcome to IFG EdinFla!

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Re: Hello fellow enthusiasts

Post by EdinFla » Tue Feb 09, 2016 5:39 pm

Actually, our laws are pretty liberal. As a resident of the State of Florida, I can engage in private gun sales at shows or elsewhere and acquire pistols or long guns with no paperwork. Getting a carry permit in many states is easy.

There are some places that are a pain, California, Massachusetts and NY for example. But generally things are not bad here.

The one thing that I have learned is that you never give up anything unless there is a quid pro quo. People say "let us have enhanced background checks" I say "no, absolutely not". I want to know what I get in return because the anti gun people are zealots and will not rest until all civilians are disarmed. Give them nothing.

By the way, I own a company that makes 37mm launchers. Here is the website for your amusement
They require no registration or government approval. They are, legally, flare guns. :)

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Re: Hello fellow enthusiasts

Post by EdinFla » Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:38 pm

Can you give me a capsule of the laws over there? What can you possess? What are the licensing requirements? Limits as to numbers?

A top line would be great.

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Re: Hello fellow enthusiasts

Post by goodboy_mentor » Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:28 pm

EdinFla wrote:Can you give me a capsule of the laws over there? What can you possess? What are the licensing requirements? Limits as to numbers?

A top line would be great.
The law for possession of guns in India is governed by draconian Arms Act 1959 and its administrative rules for its implementation called Arms Rules 1962. It is very cleverly crafted diabolical law. Only maximum three guns are allowed under this law provided you get license. License is issued on whims and fancies of licensing authority. Practically speaking getting license is next to impossible unless you are someone connected with the ruling political elite of the country or have financial resources and patience to pursue the matter in High Courts. These laws are in clear violation to the Constitutionally guaranteed inherent foundational fundamental human right to keep and bear arms, I have explained all this in the following links -

https://www.indiansforguns.com/viewtopi ... 30#p230480

https://www.indiansforguns.com/viewtopi ... 06#p239169

You may ask how all this has happened, the real answer is ignorance.
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Re: Hello fellow enthusiasts

Post by EdinFla » Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:49 pm

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke

I understand.

Have you ever slept with a cat or dog? You know that they will occupy all available room. As you get forced over, they take that space. One time my 9lb cat made me fall out of bed.

Gun control zealots are like cats in a bed: not to be trusted and not to be accommodated.

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Re: Hello fellow enthusiasts

Post by shooter » Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:05 am

Welcome to Ifg.
Whereabouts in Florida are you based.

I have visited your state and have fond memories. I have also visited a few other blue states ranging from ny nj to red like tx ut and in every step in between.

Even the strict U.S. states are more liberal than most of the world.
"Guns" "licensing" "permit" even have different meanings in other parts of the world.
My friends in CA have more guns than people in Europe can even dream of. Tx ga ut ak sc mc tn - don't even talk about them. No comparison.

Let me tell you this:
Don't lose the fight to the bloombergs and the Feinsteins
Do u shoot hogs osceola and gators? If so good luck with the turkey season.

Added in 1 minute 8 seconds:
Welcome to Ifg.
Whereabouts in Florida are you based.

I have visited your state and have fond memories. I have also visited a few other blue states ranging from ny nj to red like tx ut and in every step in between.

Even the strict U.S. states are more liberal than most of the world.
"Guns" "licensing" "permit" even have different meanings in other parts of the world.
My friends in CA have more guns than people in Europe can even dream of. Tx ga ut ak sc mc tn - don't even talk about them. No comparison.

Let me tell you this:
Don't lose the fight to the bloombergs and the Feinsteins
Do u shoot hogs osceola and gators? If so good luck with the turkey season.
You want more gun control? Use both hands!

God made man and God made woman, but Samuel Colt made them equal.

One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted. by Jose Gasset.

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