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arm licence ban in up has made condition worst.

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:48 pm
by toughsurvivor
hello to all,
we all know that recently uttar pradesh has one through communal riots in Muzaffarnagar. i recently went there . i found conditions terrible there. specially i
talked to some of the victims of riots and those who had left their villages considering staying there a threat to there life. i talked to both communities what i
found that no one wants this to be ever happen. everyone wants peace. they said that there was no problem in their villages both communities were living with
peace but they told a another story, they said that antisocial elements and culprits were hiding in sugar cane fields. and when these village people (irrespective
of community ) visits their fields to do farming chore they are being attacked suddenly (like a gorilla war technique ) and are being killed. this was a big
issue that each person was facing. no one knows when they will get attacked. the condition was miserable for they don't have any sort of arm to protect
thamselves. there was one big question in their mind-
>> how to defend themselves from antisocial elements ?
and they had a fair reason to say so. they said "how we can face the criminals who attacks suddenly with fire arms. as we people are farmers we don't have any
proper means or firearms to defend ourself." they clearly said that
"how we can face dreaded fire arms with spades ,sticks and sickels. doing so will account for our life".
they said that defending our life is our right ,but we are deprived of it as how we will defend ourself without having arms or proper medium to defend us.
once again i felt a great need to revise our indian arms laws. and right to bear arms.
---------------- one more thing i felt that after this incident people are very concious to protect and defend themselves but if they will not get proper guidance
and licence arms ,i fear they may get inclined towards illegal gun market . and this will be more worst.
what experts think about this problem ? please share your views. Regards.

Re: arm licence ban in up has made condition worst.

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:44 pm
by ckkalyan
That is a great report from your personal visit and perspective toughsurvivor - thank you for sharing. It is a sad, heartbreaking situation. Very well portrayed by you.

I have a few humble ideas on how the villagers / farmers maybe able to handle the situation. This is not easy but is nevertheless possible - it reminds me of the situation in:


It would be a good idea to screen the film for all the villagers to watch as a first step - just to boost their morale and get them passionate and charged-up about their confidence and pride and the idea of defending themselves.

  • * First they should all go and apply for arms licences, immediately!
    * They should all be willing to pitch in for expenses for the licenses and the arms so that they receive the licence and arms ASAP - as a common goal
    * Be willing to go enmass to the authority when ones' application is being considered. This will provide a huge support and confirm common requirement and verify the situation and get the job done pronto.
    * Arms to apply for: Shotguns, Pistols, Rifles (imagine 30 individuals applying from the same village - 3 arms per person)!
    * They should elect a smart and bold person from their village to lead and guide them to combat the marauders. Not necessarily the Mukhiya - they need a person they can look up to, admire and be willing to follow.
    * With his/her leadership they should formulate a plan to handle the miscreants with methods that they are most familiar with e.g. use their expert knowledge of the land and area, prepare defenses, traps and pitfalls. Set up guard (pehra) around the most approachable areas, set up signals and calls etc.,that the whole village is aware of
More coming up from our fellow IFG'ians, I am sure...please chip in with ideas and suggestions gentlemen.

Re: arm licence ban in up has made condition worst.

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:10 pm
by ckkalyan
Sorry, in fact, I take my words back...about The Magnificent Seven...the movie to show and inspire the people would be SHOLAY.


Re: arm licence ban in up has made condition worst.

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:49 pm
by toughsurvivor
thanks Ckkalyan sir. but i really saw their miserable condition, some persons said that they also went to ashlah babu office, some have given their application to police too
but all in vain,as they got only 2 answers that
1- fresh licence are banned to be issued ,petition is in court.
2- why you people don't trust police ,why there is police for ?

Re: arm licence ban in up has made condition worst.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:05 am
by chandrashekhar
toughsurvivor wrote:thanks Ckkalyan sir. but i really saw their miserable condition, some persons said that they also went to ashlah babu office, some have given their application to police too
but all in vain,as they got only 2 answers that
1- fresh licence are banned to be issued ,petition is in court.
2- why you people don't trust police ,why there is police for ?
the second point mentioned is really a tough question and the answer is in India nobody knows why there is police for ....... :roll: :deadhorse:

Re: arm licence ban in up has made condition worst.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:09 pm
by dr.jayakumar
someone has to seriously challenge them in court and get order against the present ban. these officials have no power to over ride a govt. order.

Re: arm licence ban in up has made condition worst.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:14 pm
by Harish Asnani
@toughsurvivor- Thanks for your efforts in bringing out the reality on ground, no one wants killing we all want peace
Even though I support the cause to arm them but one vital point which in my opinion is missing here is that what the authorities there are doing when both communities know who their enemy is then why not use the authorities to deal with the situation, have the state reached to a level where we can say that it has failed its citizens. I think providing arms in the hand of people during the times of conflict that too on religious grounds will turn to something else....


Re: arm licence ban in up has made condition worst.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:24 pm
by dr.jayakumar
ckkalyan wrote:Sorry, in fact, I take my words back...about The Magnificent Seven...the movie to show and inspire the people would be SHOLAY.

i still love this movie.i watch it once a month???music,cinematography,songs,stunts and the guns are so impeccable.

Re: arm licence ban in up has made condition worst.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:08 pm
by Ramandeep
The situation does sound awful for the resident of Muzaffarnagar not something that should be prevailing in the 21st century, in India i believe we(the common people) are so multilingual, multicultural yet i feel we don't generate hatred for any community but that's what we feel individually then there is a scary lot full of communalism which is very visible in the social media and I feel why they are so ignorant and what is the real agenda but they don't have one that's where the trouble starts brewing, "Never underestimate the power of an idiot in a crowd".
As for people of Muzaffarnagar they should file a PIL in the court citing their need to bear arms, right to self defense is definitely provided in any democratic system of the world.