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My Response to Draft Arms Rules 2015

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 1:41 pm
by karnan
Response to Draft Arms Rules 2015.doc
Thanks to TC and captrakshitsharma, I have sent my response to the Draft Arms Rules 2015, adopting for most part, their Analysis and suggestion.

Re: My Response to Draft Arms Rules 2015

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:25 pm
by mundaire

A good response indeed! (y) :)


Re: My Response to Draft Arms Rules 2015

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:02 pm
by karnan
Thank you mundaire for going through it.

Re: My Response to Draft Arms Rules 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:02 am
by nbk3y7k
Very good and detailed analysis. Not sure whether the government will be able to understand what Karnan in pointing out. Government rules and regulation are way beyond practicality.

Karnan, great work.


Re: My Response to Draft Arms Rules 2015

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:55 pm
by karnan
Yes nbk3y7k, the legislative drafting department of the Government does not seem to bother about the practicality , applicability and enforcement of laws and rules and ..... whether the signatories even read them is a "million dollar" question, leave alone their concern for the intended groups or public in general , which such laws or rules would affect.

Most submit to impractical portions of rules and laws. Few voice their protest . Fewer fight for relief in the Courts. Sometimes relief is granted. Most times, by the time there is a relief or otherwise is sanctioned, it becomes obsolete by efflux of time or otherwise. Sadly, this has become an automated process.

Let us hope that the sheer number of petitions detailing the objections and suggestions from the members of this group have the desire effect.

All appreciation belong to TC and captrakshitsharma for doing the laborious groundwork and providing details and analysis for the benefit of the members to respond enmasse.