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Membership NRAI Vs Karni Singh Shooting Range

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:08 pm
by Frosty
Hi Memebers / Mods / Veterans

My Dears i need your help, finally i have decided to go ahead with membership of either NRAI or Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range, as for NRAI i have contacted two existing members who have agreed to help me out with recommendations, this is with a costing of somwhere around 25 K - 26 K for life membership, as for the later i do not know much about membership details for life or annual deals, for which i request to you all who have the information i seek.

My Goals i seek to acieve
1. Want to secure a firearm license
2. Want to try my hand at .22 pistol rapid fire events & competitions
3. Possibly would like to own a decent .22lr rifle
4. If none of the above works out then would like to import a decent PCP air rifle and be merry with it and ofcourse try my hand at rookie level competitions

While the primary aim is to secure a fire arm license, but would like to enjoy some perks as extended ammo qouta, may be concessions on imported ammo rates and well may be imported firearms (ha ha :mrgreen: , while typing this i had a smile as wide as running from my left ear to the right one)

My Limitations

While i am not exactly an Arab sheikh with a Gold plated BMW, but with my hard earned money i can stab my self of 25K for the cause that is so close to my heart. But being an ERP consultant right now its the time that kills me (while firmly believing that this situation will become better in future), i am so bound to my client that i usually works even on Saturdays, and if i am made to run from pillar to post for getting membership of either of the above mentioned organization then you can visualise me as :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: here i would be donkey/horse(it looks more like a donkey) and you know who is the on e with the baseball bat :cry: :cry: .

Therefore i would like your views that out of the two organization which has a better vision on promoting the Shooting sports and a right sense for RKBA with minimum of red tape bureaucracy carp who believe in their eliteness and would like to stay that way while distancing themselves from the reach of the lesser mortals like me.

Anticipating your kind replies

Thanks & Regards