India makes the world's worst guns

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Re: India makes the world's worst guns

Post by thomast1 » Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:57 pm

SAD!!!! Government Agency manufacturing inferior products for other Government Agencies and Army. Who in Army would have the bollocks to say no to government produce! (not even the head the President!) So the guys in green held on to these guns and their dear life in the borders of India for the last 60+ years :( :( :( .... And as the website said "Protectionism" (new word for me) will cost us a lot more someday than it is doing now!
Is IOF = Inferior Ordinance/s Factory

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Re: India makes the world's worst guns

Post by nagarifle » Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:37 pm

well just a thought, can the IOF ETC, be taken to consumers court? if not why not?

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: India makes the world's worst guns

Post by brihacharan » Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:50 pm

> Yes! It is sad that India cant make a good decent gun, be it a pistol, revolver, rifle or a shotgun, leave alone assault weapons. Its more of an attitude towards the very concept of guns.
> When we produce automobiles that are exported abroad and accepted by them, why not guns?
> I wish to suggest that 'Designing Guns' should be included as part of the syllabus in the Industrial Design Courses offered by our IITs.
> May be some of our bright engineers could come up with novel ideas in the design, material specs and functionability of weapons.
> As starters India could import barrels & actions and assemble them and later graduate to making them - this is not rocket science. By the way if we can make & send rockets into space, why not good guns?
> Food for thought!!!!


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Re: India makes the world's worst guns

Post by jonahpach » Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:49 pm

It's not that Indians cannot manufacture decent guns.. It's the government policy that does not allow Indians to manufacture decent guns. Read the recent expose of illicit Munger guns in Kolkotta, their products and sales service would put OFB products to shame. Manufacture of guns is not a rocket science and gun technology has not changed much in the past 100 years or so (Primer+gunpowder+cartridge=kaboom). It's just when a few idealistic idiots try re-inventing the wheel that they end up making a fool of themselves. Catch phrases like 'state-of-the-art', 'modern' 'indigenious design and production' are just meant to fool the general public. I cant be far wrong when I say that ALL the basic technology that can be used in the manufacture of a firearm has already been invented! Be it the Galil, Kalashnikov, G-3 or even the M-16. They all feature the same basic functionality and operation. No gun manufacture is not a rocket science! Go to Munger, Darra Pakistan, Phillipines you'll know better. 'nuf said.

On the other hand, wouldnt it be wonderful if IFG could organise some kind of a talk-show or a technical review of IOF products?? The programme could include well known international gun experts and it could have a backdrop of one of those 'Defence Industry Fairs' hosted annually at Pragati Maidan. It would help to educate the general public expose the ineptitude of the OFB and maybe even change the politicians/governments lackadaisical attitude towards public sector's monopoly in manufacture of defence products.

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Re: India makes the world's worst guns

Post by drjones » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:34 pm

I agree with Mr.Jonah's views. We can have a talk show involving international experts, which is a good idea. I also feel, with my limited knowlege as base, that there are a few very good gunsmiths in our country, legal ones, who are capable of doing wonders with broken/malfunctioning/wornout/absolete guns. If we can find out a few of them , invite them to the confrence and try to work on our IOF guns to make them more user friendly would be good. Its legal to 'Service' our guns. If someone can make a IOF gun function without failing/accurate and better looking I would without doubt go for it and get it done instead of shelling out lakhs of rupees for a worn out imported stuff.I think this would be a practical idea which can be implemented by IFG for the time being atleast.

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