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Re: A Pakistani company selling gun stock blanks

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:44 pm
by penpusher
Hope for Indian gun lovers lies in the IOFB making itself irrelevant.


Re: A Pakistani company selling gun stock blanks

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:44 pm
by Risala

Let not give too much credit to the OFB,they only manufacture the INSAS,it was designed at ARDE,Pune which is under the DRDO.

And it aint all that bad as it is being made out to be,the feed back on the contrary has been positive.
It gets the job done,and effectively if I may add.Kargil in 99 was a good example.

Apart from the INSAS,the Gov has imported the AK in large nos for distribution among the Forces incl Para Military.

So the forces are pretty well stocked and well prepared.

WRT hand guns,yup the 9mm OFB version is bad.but over the years a lot of units in the Army were equiped with the Beretta 92 Series,besides like I have said earlier there
is little room for handguns in the forces esp in actual combat or CI ops ,trust me on that one have taken part in a few.On those occassions you will still prefer the Sterling to a Beretta I am refering to the 80's.Off course in the present times you have the option of an AK instead of a Sterling.

The real problem where the OFB standards have dropped over the yrs has been the arms that they manufacture for the civilian market.
The 12 G that was produced in the 70's and early 80's was very popular among it's users,it still commands a reasonable price today,if one can get hold of one in good condition.They have stopped production of the DBBL completely now.Why ?I have no idea.

The .315,.22,.32 Rev & Pistols are passe,I think all of us would be happy if they came out with quality firearms for the civilan market so we dont have to look for used imported
fire arms at exorbitant prices.


Re: A Pakistani company selling gun stock blanks

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:07 pm
by cottage cheese
Sanjay";p="21274 wrote:Folks,

Let not give too much credit to the OFB,they only manufacture the INSAS,it was designed at ARDE,Pune which is under the DRDO.

And it aint all that bad as it is being made out to be.
It gets the job done,and effectively if I may add.Kargil in 99 was a good example.

Apart from the INSAS,the Gov has imported the AK in large nos for distribution among the Forces incl Para Military.

So the forces are pretty well stocked and well prepared.

WRT hand guns,yup the 9mm OFB version is bad.but over the years a lot of units in the Army were equiped with the Beretta 92 Series,besides I have said earlier there
is little room for handguns in the forces esp in actual combat or CI ops ,trust me on that one have taken part in a few.On those occassions you will still prefer the Sterling to a Beretta I am refering to the 80's.Off course in the present times you have the option of an AK instead of a Sterling.

The real problem where the OFB standards have dropped over the yrs has been the arms that they manufacture for the civilian market.
The 12 G that was produced in the 70's and early 80's was very popular among the users,it still commands a reasonable price today,if one can get hold of one in good condition.They have stopped production of the DBBL completely now.Why ?I have no idea.

The .315,.22,.32 Rev & Pistols are passe,I think all of us would be happy if they came out with quality firearms for the civilan market so we dont have to look for used imported
fire arms at exorbitant prices.

Hi Sanjay,

Well we have it from one who is in the services. Thanks for your input.

IOFB...ARDE...DRDO...etc. all are in my caustic opinion, con artists.

The INSAS is definitely not an inanimate piece of metal- neither was the Chauchat. It shoots in the direction its pointed at albeit with a distressing level of inconsistency. Theoretically its a splendid design and to call it junk would be a little too simplistic no doubt, but again the point many of us(And I'm sure you as well) are trying to rant about is the fact that it could have been so so so very much better. As of now, after almost quarter of a century of farting around, we have an over weight 5.56mm rifle which is needlessly cluttered and complicated and fragile.... after all the hungama what we have is a very lame and mediocre service rifle, which seems slated to be one of the shortest lived service rifle in Indian history.

Your point that the army is adequately armed and stocked is well taken- the flip side of the coin is- what the hell is the mammoth IOFB doing in the mean time? The armed forces continue to import for hard cash. How can the IOFB justify its existence?

I think the IOFB is essentially a welfare organization. It takes care of its own and thats about it.

Re: A Pakistani company selling gun stock blanks

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:41 pm
by penpusher
INSAS in Kargil,what the news reports say ...

"INSAS did create problems in Kargil

The INSAS proved to be an Achilles’ heel for the Indians in Kargil and now for the Royal Nepalese Army in the Himalayan kingdom."

"Quoting the Times of India newspaper [1], the rifle had some reliability problems in the very cold climate in which that conflict took place. Due to the cold weather, the rifle would jam occasionally and the polymer magazines would crack in the cold. There were also cases wherein the rifle would fire in full auto, while in three-round burst fire mode" ... 199981.cms

" the army has complained that the country's indigenous state-of-the-art 5.56mm indian small arms system (insas) is not performing to the optimum level with major defects like cold arrest, breakage and cracking of components reported in active areas like siachen glacier, kargil heights and other high altitude areas "major defects in assault rifles as well as light machine guns like change lever system, breakage of carrying handle, screw locking butt, crack of retainer and breakage of barrel bulge have come to the fore from forward areas," top army officials said. they said that these defects, which had come to the fore even during the kargil conflict, had been brought to the notice of rifle specialists at ishapore factory as well drdo scientists and that the defects were yet to be rectified. these defects as well as ordinance factories not keeping to delivery schedules had forced the army, with government clearance, to import one lakh ak-47 assault rifles from romania at a cost of rs 85 crore."
