Comments on what we do at IFG and sad news

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Comments on what we do at IFG and sad news

Post by timmy » Mon Mar 18, 2024 3:32 am

Fellow gun lovers:

As you may know, IFG is here to advocate for legal gun rights for responsible citizens. This site is available to all who wish to post constructively toward that end.

Given that we all have some appreciation of guns, there are many diverse aspects to guns represented here.

Some want a gun because they would like to have one for some reason.

Some want a gun for self defense.

Some are interested in guns in general.

Some like older guns.

Some like military guns.

Some don't care much about guns beyond them being tool for some activity.

Some like to collect them.

There are many more reasons why an IFG member might be reading or posting here, but you get the idea. There are lots of us, and we all have our own reasons for being here.

India, of course, has its own unique gun culture that is shaped by history, both national and regional. Today, much of the gun culture is shaped by legal issues, especially hurdles that must be overcome to get a license, lack of available guns, the expense of guns, and the ammunition limitations.

This said, there is also a similarity that applies to guns and gun ownership that is common to every gun owner and aspiring gun owner anywhere in the world. Presenting and discussing a wide range of topics that might interest all of us or some of us, whether a particular group is large or small, has value so that everyone can partake of information that is of interest.

There are two sources of gun information on youtube videos that, to me, stand above the rest when it comes to presenting good, solid, and authoritative information, and these two are videos by Massad Ayoob and Paul Harrell. This is not to say that all other gun videos are rubbish -- far from it. There are many good ones available for viewing. But, these two in my opinion stand out above the rest.

It was with great sadness that I learned a few months back that Paul Harrell had pancreatic cancer. This, as some may know, means that his time with us is very short. He has handed off his video production to his brother, as he's unable to make them himself. Here, I'd like to present a youtube video from the channel "garand thumb" which is an interview of Paul. He's obviously very sick, but still excited about guns and what he has done on youtube. Please note that around 7:55 of the video, Paul lays out reasons for making videos that closely mirrors what we are doing here at IFG. (His reference to Diane Feinstein: she was one of the most anti-gun people in the USA Congress. Sadly, those types are present in every country, too.) At 15:10 and again at 18:38, he stresses his amazement that none of the 32 Auto hollow point ammunition that he tested worked. Check this video out for yourselves:

Should you find some of this video interesting, then you might want to check out Paul's catalog of videos, which stretch back many years and cover a wide range of topics.

I am sad that Paul has stopped making videos, but I very much appreciate what he's shared on his channel. I know that everyone here won't care to bother with what I've posted, but some might, and I hope that you find it profitable and enjoyable to peruse through Paul's videos. There are so many that I'll have plenty for review on a slow evening.
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Re: Comments on what we do at IFG and sad news

Post by Prabhath » Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:26 pm


Have seen quite a few of his videos. Here's wishing him courage to help him go through a really tough phase. Prayers for him and his near and dear ones.

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Re: Comments on what we do at IFG and sad news

Post by HasnainQureshi21 » Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:35 pm

wishing him a speedy recovery

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Re: Comments on what we do at IFG and sad news

Post by Vikram » Mon Mar 18, 2024 4:01 pm

I have followed Mr Paul Harrell for a long time. I always enjoyed his no-nonsense, insightful, practical approach laced with dry humour. I was saddened to learn that he has pancreatic cancer. He kept making videos until he could not anymore. That moment when he stood next to the car in pouring rain to continue was perhaps one of the most moving moments I saw on YouTube. I hope that he has the best out of whatever time remaining to him. Sad that a good man has to leave early.
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Re: Comments on what we do at IFG and sad news

Post by UDAYANJADHAV » Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:56 pm

I have been watching Paul Harrell's YT channel for few years. I find his presenting style quite amusing and to the point. It is sad to see him go through this phase, but the attitude with which he is facing this dire situation is something to learn from. May God give him strength.

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Re: Comments on what we do at IFG and sad news

Post by Able » Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:20 am

I might have watched his channel without knowing his name but this post seems like the first time I hear his name. I will check out his channel later, mean while I wish him strength ang courage.

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Re: Comments on what we do at IFG and sad news

Post by AgentDoubleS » Sun Mar 31, 2024 4:55 am

I had watched Paul’s videos for many years and only just found out through your post Timmy that he has cancer. He has been a source of invaluable knowledge. And I watched his videos as much for his articulate and entertaining mastery of the English language as I did for his firearm expertise. Not to mention his old school, gentlemanly, dressing sense, which again was very refreshing to see on YouTube.

Thank you for sharing.I wish him strength in this difficult time.


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