List of O-Rings for PX100, FX Wildcat and SchiebenPCP Pump

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Fresh on the boat
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List of O-Rings for PX100, FX Wildcat and SchiebenPCP Pump

Post by Kharsang » Thu Nov 28, 2024 7:53 am

Can anyone provide a list of O-rings for PCP air rifles, specifically the PX100 and FX Wildcat, as well as for Schieben 4-stage PCP pump?

It is very difficult to source individual O-rings, as they are generally sold in sets. Most of these sets include numerous O-rings that are not needed, as only a few require replacement at regular intervals, leaving the rest unused. Additionally, the cost of an entire O-ring set for any PCP air rifle or pump is quite high.

Could someone please share a detailed list of the specific O-rings required so that individual O-rings can be purchased instead?

Thank you!
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