Experts suggest ban on heavy calibre guns due to Maoists

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cottage cheese
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Post by cottage cheese » Mon Nov 12, 2007 10:14 am

shutzen";p="30803 wrote: HI! Well recently when there was a well cave in situation in punjab the DC requested the local army commander to help but the dude flatly refused and told them to get clearance from Army HQ in Delhi. In his interview the commander fobbed it off by saying it is a civilian local administration problem and they should deal with it!

Another incident which comes to my mind is when the Army engnrs were laying a bailey bridge in HP last year and due to not following proper procedure the bridge was swept away taking with it sevral officers and ranks all of whom were killed.

Rest assured if the army demines the area there will be plenty of ka-booms later on because in war scenario the engineers do the job properly as they themselves are operating in the "zone" but de-mining for civvies can always be passed off as the naxals relaid the mines in the demined area so...

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Re: Experts suggest ban on heavy calibre guns due to Maoists

Post by gungeek » Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:13 pm

This is simply marvellous.... I mean, our babus r simply nuts or what.... :shock:

I mean what kind of experts r they?? Its so simple.... the bad guys will find ways to arm themselves anyway... its the good guys who want to defend themselves who r gonna suffer.

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Post by nagarifle » Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:18 pm

Let us not blame the army for everything, first we have to find out what is the area of responsibility regarding disarming bombs etc in civilian property during peacetime. :(

As we may find that the army will not respond unless asked by the local authorities, since there are police bomb disposal units, who deal with IED etc, they should be able to deal with ied type of bombs, unless it is military hardware, then the local police would have to inform the army EOD units, unless a chain of communication is followed the army will not interfere with local issues. Communication is not always in place, nor what procedures to follow.

The numb nuts of babus do not have any idea about firearms etc. we only have to look at the school shooting in the 90,s in dunblane Scotland, since then small arms have been banned in the UK, via the pressure put on the government by the women of the said town. Even now, they also admit that crime rate involving firearms have not reduced but increased.

The gun ban proved to be pointless as gun crime with small arms have increased , as always the law abiding people are penalized by the government, as criminals will always have firearms, thus leaving honest hard working citizen without any protection or rights.

We need to fight back in organized way with sound reasoning, which any dumb numb nut of babu cannot refute or disagree with. 8)

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Post by mundaire » Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:37 pm

Check out the following article on the Naxal problem... He talks of Bastar, but it would be largely applicable to other affected areas as well...

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