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my dad's shotgun

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 11:47 am
by loneranger
my father died in 1984, and i still possess his SBBL shotgun (and its expired license).

it should be fairly easy to get this transferred to me.

how do I do it?

pl help. i was very happy to hear about your group in the times of india and joined immediately.

i am a great supporter of the right to bear arms: i visited coorg in karnataka where this right exists; every coorgi is armed - and there is great peace (and no government oppression either!)

regards to all you armed, law-abiding people :D

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 2:12 pm
by mundaire
Hi Loneranger,

The first thing you need to do is immediately deposit the gun with an arms dealer and get a receipt for the same from him.

Then you need to apply under transfer of family heirloom basis for an arms license - to have the gun transferred on your name. For how to apply see the "arms law" and "knowledge base" sections.

The supporting documents you would have to give along with this are your father's will - if he made one leaving all of his property to you. If you do not have such a will, then you would need to get an affidavit signed from all other heirs - sisters, brothers, mother etc. that they have no problem in you acquiring the gun etc. - any decent lawyer should be able to do this for you. You will also need to give 2 proof of residence and identity papers - passport, voter ID card, electricity bills, etc. can serve this purpose.



Re: my dad's shotgun

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 4:22 pm
by penpusher

The posession of firearm after the death of the licensee,even by his legal heir, without a valid license, is illegal.If you get caught you are liable to be prosecuted for the illegal posession of a firearm.Ignorance of law is no defence.

You need to immediately deposit the firearm with a dealer or at the nearest police station.However since your father passed away 23 years back,no dealer or SHO is going to deposit the firearm without a written permission of the licensing authority.So you first need to apply to the licensing authority,with your fathers license attached,for permission to deposit the firearm.You better have an explanation ready as to why it took you 23 years to do what should have been done right after his death.
