Licence for repeater rifles

The legal aspects of owning, shooting, importing arms/ ammo and other related legal aspects as well as any other legal queries. Please note: This INCLUDES all arms licensing issues/ queries!
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Licence for repeater rifles

Post by ebenezer » Mon May 12, 2008 5:55 pm

Hi all,

Has the govt stopped issuing licence for repeater rifles? An armourer in Chennai told me so. He added that repeater rifles had been banned. If that is the case, what about rifles with magazines. AFAIK any rifle that is capable of firing more than one round is a repeater. Am I wrong? If yes, please correct me.

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Re: Licence for repeater rifles

Post by jonahpach » Mon May 12, 2008 6:04 pm

I dont know much about the banning of repeater rifles but as far as I know, the term 'repeater rifle' refers to 'semi auto, self loading rifles' and has nothing to do with bolt action rifles.

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Re: Licence for repeater rifles

Post by cottage cheese » Mon May 12, 2008 6:15 pm

The confusion is probably due to a bucket full of flawed terminology.

Kick the bloody armorer in the rump for confusing you.

Simply put, all semi-automatics other than pistols are Prohibited Bore - Not banned

Bolt actions, pump actions, lever actions and any other manually cycled arm are called repeaters or repeater rifles, and provided it doesn't chamber or fire Service Ammunition, is regarded as Non Prohibited.

The arms act itself adds to the lack of clarity because Prohibited-Bore should strictly pertain to the bore, but quite conveniently (for the dammed babus) it extends to certain firearm types. In any case its not prohibited-bore and rather a 'restricted bore' because the Arms act has provisions for PB licences being issued.

One wonders how difficult it would be to amend the relevant clauses to be more sensible like restricted class, prohibited class... that would clear up the air on a lot of things....perhaps make the job of the law makers and enforcers easier as well.


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Re: Licence for repeater rifles

Post by ebenezer » Mon May 12, 2008 7:19 pm

Thanks a lot for the clarification cc. Interestingly, none of the officials seems to know anything about it. This is evident as no query has been raised over the application.



Re: Licence for repeater rifles

Post by penpusher » Mon May 12, 2008 8:44 pm

The truly prohibited firearms are the ones described in the Act itself.When the Privy purses of Indian Princess were withdrawn along with the titles and privileges which included exemption from the Arms Act,they were allowed to retain one prohibited firearm.Was told about a Thomson sub-machine gun of one such former Raja lying with a dealer after his death.

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Post by eljefe » Tue May 13, 2008 11:12 am

Add a kiss to the Arms Clerk too.
they still insist on using the USRAC 1873 (?) terminology-REPEATER-All because we do not have a uniform standards -in policies, in training and probably, a correct translation from English to the vernacular.
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