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Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:26 pm
by hvj1
nagarifle wrote:like the bit about follow thorough which most seem to miss out, the blank card, should show front and the back as well.
Yep! Should have thought of that...Thanks Naga.

Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:37 pm
by hvj1
Anand wrote: While other members can tell you how to shoot the video better, I am just glad you are telling us how to shoot the pistol better!! ;-)
Thanks Anand, Your comments are a Shot in the Arm! :)

Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:47 pm
by hvj1
Thanks Kshitij, Adityarane, Moin.
Thank you To_saptarshi for your comments. I had the tripod, cant' seem to locate the blame thing, but I agree with you.

Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:00 am
by ganeshn
seeing the master shooting a perfect 10 is something, looking for many more such masterclass. as for video improvement the tips i would share is
1. use a external directional microphone.
2. use tripod at all times including the pan and zoom for eg., while showing the 10 steps @ 4:25
3. use smooth and deliberate motion.

Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:30 am
by Rajat
It was a pretty good effort effort for a first video. I guess that the next video will be near about perfect with all the guidance and advice you are getting :D

Will this be the beginning of another legendary thread like the "Tips on Pistol Shooting" topic which is probably the most discussed topic on IFG with 162 pages and more than 2400 replies and comments!!

We all stand to gain with these videos. Thanks for taking the initiative and awaiting the next one!

Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:36 am
by bennedose
to_saptarshi wrote: 3. I don't recommend editing the part while changing your Target in live fire scene. A Continuous shot looks more authentic to peoples who doesn't know you and hopefully prevent them from posting negative comments such as fake or edited shot in youtube
I have to disagree with this.I am not the world's best movie director - but I can claim to have posted over 150 videos online since 2007 - most of them edited by me and many of them shot by me, with cumulative views total over 6 million - mostly at airshows and have some idea about the sorts of comments that emerge.

It is extremely boring to watch unedited footage of target changing. It is so easy to fake things that if the viewer is a joker who is going to believe that the video is fake he is going to say that whether or not the video is edited. I would judge this "How to shoot a 10" video by hvj1 as a very good one. The introduction, the preparation with appropriately labelled props, the calm well prepared speech, centered camera, adequate and appropriate lighting, overall lack of distraction etc require compliments not criticism. It is a first class first video which I would rate 8 on 10. Most people will botch their first video so badly that it is unwatchable. Even the echo can be removed using a suitable sound editor. One should not bother about cretins who are not going to believe anything you show and think about the people who are learning from the video and not bore them to distraction with long unnecessary sequences. I can post so many "Unboxing this rifle" and ""gun review" videos on youtube that are dead boring unedited videos made by nincompoops who cannot tell the difference between a video and a bottle of milk.

Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:29 pm
by brihacharan
Hi hvj1,
> Hats off! Well done to take beginners as well as aspiring shooters through the basics of pistol shooting....
> For a 'first off' attempt its very commendable....
> Having done a course in film making & taught its basics in a business school there are some inputs I would love to share with make the presentation a bit more professionalized :D
> Inputs such as:
1. Audio clarity
2. Camera positions ( angle, close-ups, zooming, panning....
3. Editing (cuts, wipes, supers etc)
4. Props to give the presentation a 'shot in the arm' :D
> Well these are a few random thoughts that came to my mind.....
> Talking of veterans like Shyam Benegal....I had the pleasure & good fortune of coordinating with him when an 'ad spot' to launch "Bisleri" was done way back in the sixties :D
> Shyam was then the 'head of films' in an ad agency called ASP!!!

Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:14 pm
by hvj1

I have uploaded the video on Stance and Position. You may find marginal improvements, learning from you gents :D
Thank you Benedose, plese pm me your number, I need your advice real bad.

Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:35 pm
by dev
I have seen very few people who can say that I am going to show you how to shoot a ten and then calmly proceed to do so. HVJ1 has been a coach to the army and been a national champion several times over besides being trained at the ISSF headquarters in Germany. There are few on the board who come even close to his ability, leave alone credibility.

Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:16 pm
by Rajat
Wow! This was Very informative. Truly appreciate the coaching sessions. Really hope you continue the series.

Will not comment on the video shooting aspects except that the ending was a bit abrupt or maybe I was too engrossed! :)

Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:07 pm
by airgun_novice
Dear hvj1 guruji,

This is one place where the shishya tells the guru "wonderful job". :-) Though I do not belong to the genre of the "3 B" filmmakers mentioned here - Benegal, Brihcharan and Benedosse - I did have a collection of suggestions most of which our avid watchers have already pointed out. I shall call you tomorrow or the day after and discuss a few technical aspects which might make the clips gather more hits an hopefully put to the use intended. Good Job and Good Luck.


Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:14 pm
by bennedose
hvj1 wrote:

I have uploaded the video on Stance and Position. You may find marginal improvements, learning from you gents :D
Thank you Benedose, plese pm me your number, I need your advice real bad.
Rarely have I see a narration that continues without pause or hesitation for several minutes. kudos. I have many videos in which I have done a narration. I have so many pauses and umms and aaahs and pauses in between that i edit them out. This is good stuff. I will PM my number but honestly - your videos will get worse if you take my advice, You are doing fine.

Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:41 pm
by hvj1
I have updated my Stance Video, as Rajat pointed out, it ended abruptly, and rightly so, I forgot to add the clip on the importance of the non shooting arm. Its there now, at the very end, so you needn't go through the whole thing again.
Thank you gentlemen for the kind words, Yes AGN, looking forward to your advice and inputs from all of you.
The next video is on Grip, will upload by tomorrow.
It's past 11 and I am going bats getting this done....but extremely happy to know that some kid out there, without a coach may hopefully benefit in some slight way.

Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:31 pm
by hvj1
Uploaded the next video - The Essentials of a Good Grip

Re: How to shoot a '10', The Sequence of Steps (SOS)

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:40 pm
by hvj1

Hello Friends,
I have uploaded the next video which deals with Visualisation/ Rehearsal. Kindly adjust the settings on the bottom line of the utube video. Scroll upwards to a higher resolution for better viewing.