Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by Vikram » Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:36 pm


For someone with a zero post count, you have such a sea of emotional complaints towards the new sales policy? You never made an emotional message about gun rights or lack of them in India and you are so concerned about trading freedoms? Be honest, are you an existing/previously banned member but lack the courage to use your IFG or real name?

Since you asked-I will make it short,sweet and crispy.

1. IFG is meant for promoting RKBA, impart firearms related knowledge and promote responsible gun ownership. It is not meant to become a trading point. If members join only to sell and trade, we do not want that kind of members.We want members to participate in exchanging views about our common passion.Buying and selling is a fringe benefit.It is not the purpose.

2. There have been quite a few instances where sellers shortchanged our members-sold either dubious goods or did not ship the promised item at all.There are many members who have complaints and yet could not pursue these fraudsters.

3. Sellers selling items ,that could be easily imported or locally procured, at 200-300% profit margins? It is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure what he/she is buying.But the moderators do not want that kind of unethical sellers on our website. You are a good seller, you will contribute to the content of the forum qualitatively,sell stuff that is of quality and at commonsensical prices.That is why we introduced a screening process.There are decent sellers and they will be allowed.

You want to sell at free-market prices, go somewhere else that is a commercial avenue.We are not.

if we lick up to the moderator(s) and satisfy their whim and fancy then we may be given the permission to post- other wise - we should remain quiet (typically the today's Indian Govt.; isn’t it???)

Guy's do not miss the threatening overtones and the warnings- if you do this I hand you, if you do this I shoot you, if you do this again I slaughter you... what are we doing here... running a slave country......

WAKE UP Mr. Moderator!!!!!!!
Now re freedoms- Do realise that IFG is a privately owned website. Do you realise that IFG does not charge a penny from anyone and is only trying to prevent the members from being taken for a ride?

Do you have a business?Do you have a house or family? Please give us the details and we will tell you how to run them democratically- run your business,do your job, raise your kids etc.How is that? Though every effort is made to understand and oblige the members' wishes,this is not a democracy. It is private property where the host allows your activities within the rules set by the host.While you are here, you are here as the host's guest.When you start dictating the terms, you are violating those cardinal principles of host-guest relationship. You are not in the domain of the Republic of India.You are not a partner in a business enterprise.You are a guest on a private property.When you signed for membership, you signed a contract agreeing to those terms set by your host.

So, when you are here, play by those rules or don't let the door hit you where nature has split you.

5. You keep saying Mr.Moderator. IFG does not have one Moderator. The decisions are all democratically taken by the team after a great deal of discussion.So who are you?Do you have a complaint against any particular individual?If yes, with that zero post count of yours?

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Seriously?I mean seriously? For a gutless wonder who cannot even use his IFG screen name or real name to speak what's on your mind,you still want to sully the spirit of patriotism by reducing those sacred words to base sloganeering and smoke screen for your petty complaints?

You are not banned. If you can come up with reasons not inspired by your selfish motives, they will be allowed to be posted here.

Existing contributing members, please feel free to post on this thread. The above reply is in response to a particular type of poster.

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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by Ashboy » Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:01 pm

Two things Vikram Ji...

a. This was my first post ; in all honesty (and I have no reason to fib) - I am not an existing/previously banned member or any sort of past with IFG. This post was heading the board when i logged in.. it is the first thing that I saw and I commented....

b. I would like to stand corrected; i did not know that this is a privately owned outfit (and thank you for letting me know); i was under the impression that this place is like facebook or twitter where one has the freedom of expression - but thanks for correcting me and informing me that you would like to run it like a collective fiedom - I did not realise that here too one has to behave in the house like the master would like one too..


My life would not end if you ban me...... and please continue your efforts against frauds.............


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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by nagarifle » Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:06 pm

welll what can i say that has not be said :wink:

well come to the forum :lol: hope this response by Vikram answers all the questions. i agree with what Vikram, this forum is mainly for info/RKBA.

one can easily advertise in the TOI if one wants. follow the rules or get banned on a private forum. thats all there is to it.

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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by rahul567 » Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:12 pm

I was actually in a way apologizing only (not licking) only for the simple reason as mentioned by Vikram , One has to follow the rules when you are on someone else's property.
Though to be honest i enjoyed both the buying and selling aspect of the forum but more then that I enjoy going thru the informative posting by some IFG members . I would not want to miss out on that by getting banned for not following the rules of the house

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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by Vikram » Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:24 pm

Ashboy wrote:Two things Vikram Ji...

a. This was my first post ; in all honesty (and I have no reason to fib) - I am not an existing/previously banned member or any sort of past with IFG. This post was heading the board when i logged in.. it is the first thing that I saw and I commented....

b. I would like to stand corrected; i did not know that this is a privately owned outfit (and thank you for letting me know); i was under the impression that this place is like facebook or twitter where one has the freedom of expression - but thanks for correcting me and informing me that you would like to run it like a collective fiedom - I did not realise that here too one has to behave in the house like the master would like one too..


My life would not end if you ban me...... and please continue your efforts against frauds.............


Thank you for your reply.As Nags said, welcome to IFG. Stay a while and you will understand what IFG is and how it works. There is no profit to be made in monetary terms except the pleasures of sharing your passion with fellow members and a camaraderie that is exclusive.

No one's life ends with a ban. You are not banned for the simple reason that you replied to back up what you said. No one gets banned here without a reason.One is banned when one violates the forum's rules.

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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by Ashboy » Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:27 pm

Thanks for the Olive Branch Vikram !
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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:55 pm

A long overdue step :cheers:

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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by timmy » Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:36 pm

What was said by Vikram very directly addresses this issue -- well said, Vikram!

But I would like to make one comment about this statement by Ashboy:
i did not know that this is a privately owned outfit (and thank you for letting me know); i was under the impression that this place is like facebook or twitter where one has the freedom of expression.
Neither Twitter or Facebook differ at all from IFG in policing the content of their sites, either. There most certainly are rules to posting, and violating those rules on Twitter and Facebook can most certainly get a person banned from those services. Here is a sample of what Twitter's policy is:
We reserve the right at all times (but will not have an obligation) to remove or refuse to distribute any Content on the Services and to terminate users or reclaim usernames. Please review the Twitter Rules (which are part of these Terms) to better understand what is prohibited on the Service.
and here is a sample of Facebook's Terms of Use:

If you violate the letter or spirit of this Statement, or otherwise create risk or possible legal exposure for us, we can stop providing all or part of Facebook to you. We will notify you by email or at the next time you attempt to access your account. You may also delete your account or disable your application at any time. In all such cases, this Statement shall terminate, but the following provisions will still apply: 2.2, 2.4, 3-5, 8.2, 9.1-9.3, 9.9, 9.10, 9.13, 9.15, 9.18, 10.3, 11.2, 11.5, 11.6, 11.9, 11.12, 11.13, and 14-18.
As Vikram pointed out, IFG is not a commercial enterprise, like Twitter or Facebook, and rather than having a host of paid employees moderating these forums, volunteers among us fulfill that role and give their time to ensure IFG is a place that gun enthusiasts enjoy participating on. With Vikram's eloquent response, there really is nothing more to be said on this matter, however, I took the greatest offense to Ashboy's use of these words:
This facist move by the moderator reminds...
This, sir, was a personal slur you made -- it was directed personally at an individual. I must assume you meant what you said. As a person whose father fought in WW2 against fascism and saw first hand what fascists do, and as a person who has visited Dachau concentration camp personally, including the ovens, I have a pretty vivid idea of what you are calling someone. I sincerely hope you at least are ashamed of yourself for your obscene talk.
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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by Yaj » Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:57 pm

I guess we should not feed the troll any more. Goodbye.
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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by vinay singh » Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:10 pm


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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by Katana » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:09 am

This was long overdue! Now we can get back to our business of discussing firearms and related stuff rather than visiting the sell/ buy section for checking out who is selling what and at how much! However, I must add that that particular section did reflect the truth in the market place, in the sense that as to what is available and at what price.
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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by nagarifle » Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:31 am

going to the rules. rule 6 says

6- If you have the item advertised on Ebay/ any other website you are more than welcome to advertise it here as well but it must have a price advertised here not just a link to your ebay ad/ other website. It must not be an over inflated price - such adverts will be deleted without warning and repeat offenders will loose their trading access. Once again - any posts without pricing will be removed.

what or how can one tell if an item is over inflated? any guidelines? as i believe in the Indian price market it may be hard to define.

for example a HW 45 airgun in the USA cost around $250 in the UK
250 pounds, what would the reasonable cost of it in India would be?( as an idea only, not to be used in pricing etc) without it being over inflated?

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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by Yaj » Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:05 am

I suppose a reasonable price would be cost+postage+duty. If some additional expenses were incurred the poster could mention it so that the mods take it into account if they find it reasonable. The best thing would be to give a break up to explain the price.
And what about profit? Well that is the whole idea, there isn't supposed to be any :) . The sales section is for members to dispose of stuff they have bought and want to get rid of, not for commercial sellers looking to make a quick buck.
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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by bodhijobs » Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:25 am

Yaj wrote:I suppose a reasonable price would be cost+postage+duty. If some additional expenses were incurred the poster could mention it so that the mods take it into account if they find it reasonable. The best thing would be to give a break up to explain the price.
And what about profit? Well that is the whole idea, there isn't supposed to be any :) . The sales section is for members to dispose of stuff they have bought and want to get rid of, not for commercial sellers looking to make a quick buck.
I couldnt agree more. This has really become the latest trend (and this includes people other than commercial sellers) to make 3-4 times the cost paid. I saw somewhere, 85k is asked for a Benjamin Marauder in 0.177. This is not only inflated but outrageous and thanks to the import policies and difficulties of getting a Rifle Club Membership (I am one of the examples), keen shooters are being forced to shell out this kind of prices.

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Re: Trading on IFG - How to gain access & the rules

Post by rahul567 » Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:40 am

Well there had been both genuinely priced products and outrageously priced products :agree: . But I don't understand how any one was forced to buy products at crazy prices. If one doesn't agree with the pricing there is no need to buy. And if you would have noticed that these item never got sold these days . Specially air guns in .177 which are so easy to get from online stores these days. But I didn't mind paying some a little extra premium for .22 air guns which were difficult to get delivered to India.
