What is the minimum handgun calibre....

A posts related to self defence/ home defence. Please post anything related to legal aspects in the 'Legal Eagle' section.
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Post by eljefe » Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:13 am

Mehul/Mack The Knife,
Sure agree with you about not giving your favourite trolls reason to disrupt this site...Thanks for the leeway on academic exercise, but I completely agree and wouldnt want them up-though they are legit pics from my ER 'Gore files' :shock:
There are a couple of guys I know, who carry a baseball bat in the car-ultimate family defense they call it.
I hope and pray I never have to use a firearm in self defense! Till I get my pistol down here or get a 45ACP lic, I will, however manage with Cobra pepper spray-That stuff is murderous :twisted:
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Post by Mack The Knife » Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:49 pm


If the gun was legal, there shouldn't be any problems barring some of our more squemish members. :wink:

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Post by eljefe » Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:50 am

Mack The Knife,
Sorry no-illegal as hell, as are all kattas!
The reason why I mention them often is the first hand experience :shock: of dealing with the victims...they all seem to possess murderous efficiency at short range -like a mod equivalent of a howdah pistol!!Regardless of the caliber -most likely 12 Ga or 'tug boat annie' .315

Finally got the fishing gear down to the office, will borrow a digicam and send you snaps today.Funny part is, picked up some hooks from Dubai 2 yrs ago, which turned out to be Mustad! size says 13 (x12 which i guess is the qty) used to use similar sizefishing in ulsoor lake 30 years ago.
Rod is Ugly stick, lite graphite, will find the bill and get the part no...reel is pflueger gold medalist pro,8 bearing,gear ratio 5.2 :1,holds 100yds of 8lb line-hope i can use12 lb line on this?have stren 1/4 lb 1000yd...In some weird non coincidence , also have a roll of sufix, 30 lb lo vis BRAID-dont ask how-stuff was picked up by a distant relative and sent to another distant relative and i picked it up 4 hrs before i flew out-hence the flurry of sos sms !
Ran into nearest Wal mart and found Eagle claw , plain shank no 4 - and 3x treble 10, NO 8 3x treble,booyah pond magic spinner bait and a plano 4600box.
floats are Thill,swivels-jeros tackle #5, allegedly will hold upto 45 lbs...
If i can pull in a 6 incher with this spectacular mismash, the next round for the house is on me!
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Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:29 pm

Discussing fishing tackle in a self-defense forum?????

Will copy and post it in a new thread in the General section titled 'Asif's Tackle'. :mrgreen:

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Post by eljefe » Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:44 pm

Great,now we can all have our first laugh on this site :oops:
Saw a bank security guard yesterday,carrying a 18-20 inch barrel double 12, hammerless, with a pistol grip fore and aft.Thats a new one-rough finish, but might seem ideal for a house/self defense gun...This stuff seems to be made legit here-anyone fired one of these?
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

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Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:44 pm

eljefe wrote:Great,now we can all have our first laugh on this site :oops:
Don't know about the others but I am tearing my hair out at the way some people are posting totally irrelevant topics in the wrong sections or threads. :roll:


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Post by Vikram » Tue Jun 13, 2006 8:46 pm

Mack The Knife Bana wrote:I am reasonably confident in saying that most wont even recover from the shock of being attacked to get their pistols out of their holsters, leave alone getting off a few shots.

I whole heartedly second this line of thought.However, for discussion's sake, steely nerves and a steady hand are the two prerequisites in this situation.

For a handgun I would prefer a .45 ACP or why not a .44 mag ( Still a fan of Dirty Harry, y'see :wink: ). I can handle a fair amount of recoil and have shot quite a few .45 and 9mm rounds. .22s countless. .22s or .32s can be the real killers. Asif will attest to that probably.

A 12 bore DB shotgun is what I like the best. Load it up with ball and the other with you know what and you can cut down half the crowd in a second and the rest vanishing in no time at all. :twisted: The fastest gun slinger, if there ever was one, dared not go against one packing a shotgun. Been a student of Westerns of sorts. :oops:

A rifle is lost on the priority list.Yet, a bolt rifle in higher than .22 calibre is good.

These all are my personal whims than hard facts. And I sincerely hope that it never comes to that and I should never come to shooting another human being, though there are many begging just that.

Best- Vikram
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Post by mehulkamdar » Wed Jun 14, 2006 5:21 am


A good shotgun is a fantastic firearm for defence though the restriction on pump gun or semi auto ownership in India keeps them out of the reckoning for a vast majority of the members here. There is also the fact that some people may be somewhat recoil shy though when it comes to being threatened, I suppose that many would forget their temporary discomfort while shooting and shoot their way out of trouble.

When I was in school, we had boxing rings and boxing was a popular sport though hockey and cricket were definitely more popular. I guess it was that training that would not keep me frozen if I were attacked, though the chance of that happening is vitrually zero. One has to be ready to defend oneself if it becomes neccessary and it is always better that the other guy gets hammered. That is why I believe that those who own guns for self defence need to practise with them regularly and be prepared to use them if they are ever really in trouble. Failure to do that may see them dead and their gun stolen and in the hands of a criminal, not a good idea at all. No wonder even progressive states like Arizona in the USA insist on s certain degree of proficiency before issuing concealed carry licenses. I think that is an excellent idea and one worth looking closely at.



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Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:36 am

mehulkamdar wrote:When I was in school, we had boxing rings and boxing was a popular sport though hockey and cricket were definitely more popular. I guess it was that training that would not keep me frozen if I were attacked...
Hardly an apt example, Mehul. When you are in the ring, you are mentally aware of what's in store. When you are attacked, usually by surprise, your faculties usually freeze momentarily. This is assuming you have no prior combat experience (boxing does not count) and even that is no guarantee.

I don't know about you but I am pretty sure the vast majority, including me, would probably freeze rather than act.

I store my rimmie in a double locked cabinet, with the mag locked in my gun case and those paltry 25 rounds I am permitted, hidden elsewhere. Probably take me a few minutes to get cocked and loaded and that's assuming I move sharpish.

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Post by jonahpach » Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:22 am

"Hear no evil speak no evil, see no evil" is my new motto. The minit i start to try and contribute something meaningful to this forum somebody starts screaming bloody FIRE! :cry: Anyway somewhere in this tread I seem to have read a mention of Mizoram as a "Happening" state. Thanks alot! One of our national magazines have chosen Mizoram as the most peaceful state in India. No bloody murders or Assasinations or even minor robberies in a long long time.. *** Edited by Mod***
Speak softly and carry a big gun!

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Post by Mack The Knife » Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:58 pm

jonahpach wrote:"Hear no evil speak no evil, see no evil" is my new motto. The minit i start to try and contribute something meaningful to this forum somebody starts screaming bloody FIRE! :cry:
Will try and get some pics and hope Mack The Knife dont mind.
Tough titty, Jonah!

You aren't the only gun enthusiast on this board. Many of us have experiences or anecdotes we would love to share but we don't because of the prevailing conditions.

One of your previous contributions was a bit dodgy, to say the least.

Use a little discretion in future.

Mack The Knife

P.S.: You can stop sulking now. :roll: :mrgreen:

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Post by kanwar76 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:55 pm

Talking about robberies. I have been kind of victim of two unpleasant situations though they can't be put into mugging category but still both involved hostile people :)

First happened in Dec 2002 in our own Dilli, I was standing with one of my friends at one end of a quite street when one boy (must be aged 16-17) snatched mobile from a north eastern girl and to his bad luck he ran towards us. After hearing screams of the girls it didn't took us long to understand what happened. We tried blocking his way but little guy was already prepared for this. He took out a knife. Honestly speaking It never came to my mind that he may be carrying something. I just got so shocked for some moments that i didn't know what to do then something came to my mind and my hand straight went for belt. Just gave him a strong whack on the neck and he ran towards opposite direction till then some more guys came on the other side and caught him.

Second time it happened at busy M.G road at Bangalore at around 10 PM near HSBC bank. People who are from Bangalore must have seen some shady guys and gals standing near HSBC bank in evenings :wink: :wink: :wink: . I was walking towards trinity circle with one of my friend when a guy passed some comment. Don't know what happened to me and i just walked towards him and asked if he want something. Bu$$er just started screaming and throwing fists in the air and two three more came with him. Then i realized that i got my self in something serious. Then some auto guys intervened and they backed off But after that instance i make sure to have something with me when ever i go out in night alone or with family. As we are not so lucky like our US members my current weapon for self defense is My Muela inox...I hope i never have to use it but if needed i won't hesitate to safeguard me and family.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:36 pm

So what was this thread about then? :roll:

Start a new one and I will join in. :wink:

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Post by Mark » Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:31 am

I don't know how relevant this is, but I've only been in a few sticky situations in my life. Part of the reason is I believe a little humility and courtesy goes a long way towards defusing situations.

I've had quite a few confrontations where a drunk or someone else tries to spread their own problems off on to whomever is near, and if you rise to the bait sure as hell they'll be your problems too before long! A smile or a sympathetic comment can go a long way to keeping the situation calm. If it helps, realize that the guy probably has a lot more problems than you do and in a different world that might be you in his shoes. As the saying goes, trouble is about the only thing you are assured of finding if you go looking for it!

Take this as advice from someone who is now a father of 3, but owned a 24 hour towing service in Chicago for several years.

However, along with humility always be aware of your environment whether in the city or in the jungle. Another story I have is I used to go to this really good pizza place that was also in a bad neighborhood, but it was OK as long as you were aware of your surroundings. I had taken a girl there for dinner and we were walking back to the car when this shifty looking character starts walking across the street straight towards us. The girl was holding onto my arm and so I tried to be very discrete and pull my arm away so if he did have a knife or something I'd have both hands free, and the more I tried to pull my arm away the tighter she'd hold! When the guy was about 8 feet (2.5 M) away I just stopped in the middle of the street and asked her something, I forget what it was but I just wanted to change the direction we were headed and get another 1/2 second of time. The guy kept walking and since we weren't on a course where we'd meet he just kept going. I still don't know if he had a knife and was plannig on robbing someone leaving the restaurant, but think it was highly likely. At least it wasn't me that time.

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Post by Mark » Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:42 am

Oops, previous post should have been in a different thread.

OK, to get back on topic- minimum self defense caliber should be 38 special-9mm class. That said:

1. The best caliber is the one you have in your hand! A 22 mini-revolver in hand will work better than the Glock left at home because it is too bulky and you were just going to the corner.

2. Having said that about the 38/9mm, bigger is better. I think the 44 special is a great self defense round. The guns made for it are compact, and it has more power for its size than most other rounds. Charter Arms made a "bulldog" that was a nice carry gun. If you can do it, I think a 1911 officers model or version thereof are one of the best.

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