I want to start pistol shootin

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jitu sati
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Re: I want to start pistol shooting...but

Post by jitu sati » Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:10 pm

hey amrinder
now that your doubt is clear forget the heartbeat and start working to the rhythm of HVJ and tirpassion. basically get onto the thread tips on pistol shooting by hvj and join us learners. when you get to the olympics we will all be proud of you. so welcome to the thread of learners

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Re: I want to start pistol shooting...but

Post by amarinder » Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:09 pm

Yeah sure...But I have to get my hands on any gun first... local Shooting range at chandigarh does not provide ...so have to go a little far...where I hope I can try all guns before buying my own..
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Re: I want to start pistol shooting...but

Post by timmy » Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:41 pm

nupadhya wrote:I don’t think heart/pulse rate is what you should be focused on at this stage, or for that matter the Olympics Finals. If you want to learn shooting, get to it, hold the weapon, feel it and become one with it - then it shoots straight.
Nupadhya is right. Do you have large hands? What about other physical traits that give advantages to a handgun shooter? How is your sight?

Look, if you think you are going to stand on an Olympic podium, you are beyond advantageous physical attributes, meditation techniques, practice, and a strong desire. People with all those things have already been left in the weeds at the level of competition you have set your sights on.

Do you think at you can be a Chopin or a Beethoven, just with practice, or desire, or study of technique?

What will separate you from the pack at this level is raw talent, added to all of the rest. Do you have that level of talent? The only way for you to find out is to get the gun, head out to the range, and start bustin' caps. There is no way a bunch of us here, who have never met you, are going to be able to give you a formula or prescription to achieve your goal, because you don't even know whether you have "the right stuff" at this point, yourself, or you would not be asking.

There are simply some things in life that can only be determined by lots and lots of hard work, and this is one of them. You will know the answer to your question when you are either standing on the podium with a medal, or when you have given up. There is no other way.
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Re: I want to start pistol shooting...but

Post by hvj1 » Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:12 pm

dev wrote: the country will take care of you and your pulse rate or heartbeat or whatever you are concerned with.
My Dear Amarinder,
I am not trying to put you off, but if you are seriously interested in getting started, you should get in touch with another IFGian here via pm to know how he is progressing. The fellow's name is Major and perhaps he can ease your mental anxiety.

I have read your posts earlier, but did not respond because simply reading your post was getting my heart rate up. So in between my beartbeats, I am typing out this reply. Please, beat, pick, beat, up a gun, beat, and get started. Beat , the rest, beat, will follow, beat, beat, beat,beat, beat, BEAT, BEAT, bye bye, SIGH beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

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Re: I want to start pistol shooting...but

Post by lionheartguru » Thu May 23, 2013 1:08 pm

hvj1 wrote:Please, beat, pick, beat, up a gun, beat, and get started. Beat , the rest, beat, will follow, beat, beat, beat,beat, beat, BEAT, BEAT, bye bye, SIGH beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

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