What is your Fitness Regime

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What is your Fitness Regime

Post by sandy_3126 » Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:05 pm

Hello friends;

We all here are firearms enthusiasts, knives collectors and outdoorsmen. Fitness is one of the most important features to be good at for being a good shooter and/or an adventurist so please share what is your fitness regime. The reason I pose this question so we can learn from others and be inspired in newer ways to do evolve our own fitness.

Please do mention your age, and your goals of your fitness.

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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by Vassili Zaitsev » Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:40 pm

I am 31 and to me fitness is not only to be fit and healthy but to also some extra flavors of self-defense. I am practicing Karv Maga in Hyderabad from last 6months.The team is from a class 10th Student up to age of 47. This has been a wonderful journey and I loved to practice with them. We have classes every weekend Saturday and Sunday (3 hours each).
I have been taught different techniques and situational encounters (parking lot attacks, staircase, lift, dark lanes etc.) and also with knives, handgun and stick attacks. The training schedule is rigorous and very hectic. I have lost 5kgs of my weight in last few months. Need to continue on different techniques and I found that most of them are very practical and effective in real life situations.
Our Instructor in Hyderabad is an ex-Army Major and we keep getting opportunities to practice with ex defense personals. Received a lots of bruises and swollen hands and legs for many weeks but now everything is neutralized and cannot feel pain anymore.
Thanks for reading.
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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by Moin. » Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:47 pm

No Gymming or martrial arts for me. I do make it a point to brisk walk at 4-5 Kms daily. Take the stairs whenver possible.

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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by BowMan » Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:57 pm

I am 31 and my goal is well...to be FIT. I like to keep it simple but grueling.

Here is my schedule;

Weekdays Morning - Jogging 4 Ks

Weekdays Evening - Weight Training for 45-50 mins

Saturday Morning - Weight Training - 1 Hr

Saturday Evening - Jogging - 5 - 6 Ks. Sometimes I extend this to 8 Ks depending on how I feel that day.

Sunday Morning - Archery Practice - 1 Hr

Sunday Evening - Jogging - 5 - 6 Ks or Cycling 10 Ks

I love football and used to play for an hour every day but not any more. Practiced Karate when I was a kid. Boxed in College.


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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by sandy_3126 » Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:12 pm

I am 28; I have been active in some sort of sport all my life, Soccer is in bengali blood, which got coated with maharashtrian cricket as I grew up in Nashik. When I moved to US, both kinda disappeared thanks to studies and later my job.

I had started gaining weight once I finished engineering and moved to Pune for my first job, two years (08) later when I moved to US i weighed around 104 kilos and I stand 5ft 11.5 tall, waist size was 38". Finally woke up one day started working out and since off and on haven't given up. Now I weigh around (89-92) Kg's in the winter, and around (80-84) in summer. I run around 1-1.5 miles in the morning thrice a week, hit the weights 5 times a week, swim around 1.5 kms (40 -50 laps) 3 times a week.

I am big fan of big muscle; bulging biceps type physique, but now I am trying to cut down mass to gain more endurance.

Off late I have been working of shoulder and forearm strength to get more stability in shooting rifle in standing positions.

@ VZ

I have always been fascinated with martial arts, but never had the time or opportunity to take up any courses, I dont have any krav maga workshops nearby, what would you suggest for a beginner like me, I would like to learn hand to hand combat for self defense as well as I want to work on my flexibility and balance.

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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by Vassili Zaitsev » Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:31 pm

Hello, KM is not a martial art...it is Hebrew word and means “Close combat".
Please feel free to visit this site http://www.kravmagaindia.in/ and get more information on the techniques and processes. It is not to be confused with traditional martial arts as we don’t practice all kata. Kumite or any synchronized techniques and we practice to neutralize the threat by any means. On a road side fight or a sudden attack by a group of 15 with knife, sticks, rods and typical arms and weapons can be neutralize.
On a typical practice session starts with 1hour of empty hand training and then followed by techniques training with full guard on and all the techs are full contact and can hurt you. Muscle conditioning and other processes will be a part of the training and then the last part of the training will be the worst of the regime:
Each individuals has to perform a sprint of 50mts, then followed by 20 pushups, 20 sit-ups and 30crunches and then a group of 12 people will attack you with rubber knife, sticks, and punching bags and you need to fight them for 5mins.
When you apprear for your P1 (preliminary levels) test then all these will be 100 numbers each (each techniques)and then you need to demonstrate all the techniques/ chokes for 1hr.
Sounds crazy!!! Right? as when your body is giving up after all the exercises then you are asked to defend yourself and thus pushing the limits of your strength and metal and physical endurances.
I take it to stay fit and self-defense techniques are extra to the regime.
Being said that, the first thing we have been taught that not to indulge in any fights and avoid street fights by all means and stay in peace..
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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by dsouzaantony » Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:24 pm

Hi- IFG-ians, I am 62, got a Black-Belt in Karate in my thirties, used to jog 10Kms every morning till my forties. hurt my knees. now jogging is out. Now I hit the gym every morning on weekdays for an hour. Do weights and lats. just enough to keep my back straight and stomach in place and feel fresh the whole day.

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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by kenhypno » Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:39 pm

Nothing special for me i eat right vegetarian,meditate,Yoga ,Self hypnosis (yog nidra) sleep 8 hours ! Come to think of these thing cannot help me when i am in a tight spot, but thinking on my feet with a clear mind might help!Sometimes all the self defence and weapons cant help you "when you are going through rough times as the Gujarati saying is "if your luck is bad dogs will bite you even if you are sitting on a camel"Maybe a bress knuckle duster ( it is illegal i hear)in my pocket and a Swiss Army Knife tinker on my keychain will help!
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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by Nihangsingh » Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:32 pm

Vassili Zaitsev wrote:Hello, KM is not a martial art...it is Hebrew word and means “Close combat".
Please feel free to visit this site http://www.kravmagaindia.in/ and get more information on the techniques and processes. It is not to be confused with traditional martial arts as we don’t practice all kata. Kumite or any synchronized techniques and we practice to neutralize the threat by any means. On a road side fight or a sudden attack by a group of 15 with knife, sticks, rods and typical arms and weapons can be neutralize.
On a typical practice session starts with 1hour of empty hand training and then followed by techniques training with full guard on and all the techs are full contact and can hurt you. Muscle conditioning and other processes will be a part of the training and then the last part of the training will be the worst of the regime:
Each individuals has to perform a sprint of 50mts, then followed by 20 pushups, 20 sit-ups and 30crunches and then a group of 12 people will attack you with rubber knife, sticks, and punching bags and you need to fight them for 5mins.
When you apprear for your P1 (preliminary levels) test then all these will be 100 numbers each (each techniques)and then you need to demonstrate all the techniques/ chokes for 1hr.
Sounds crazy!!! Right? as when your body is giving up after all the exercises then you are asked to defend yourself and thus pushing the limits of your strength and metal and physical endurances.
I take it to stay fit and self-defense techniques are extra to the regime.
Being said that, the first thing we have been taught that not to indulge in any fights and avoid street fights by all means and stay in peace..
hello Vassili Zaitsev, i m new to this community, but i have read many topics and found them quite motivating and interesting. you have given quite a demostration of the KV. it seems that it is a very practical technique nearest to the actual circumstances that one can face in the open. needless to say that i m very impressed by the the training schedule. I wish to put myself to test sometime.
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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by xl_target » Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:05 am

In High School, I participated in many sports; 200m, high jump, cross country, boxing, soccer, Rugby, swim team. My friends and I did do a bit of hiking, and bike riding.
When I came to the US, I was 19 years old, was 5' 10 1/2" and weighed about 135 lbs (~61 kgs). I played some Rugby on the city team but didn't do much else in College. I did spend my summers on a farm while in College and helped out with any manual labor like baling Hay, etc.
In my 30's, my daughter and I took Tae Kwon Do for a few years but the pressures of life stopped that. I did some biking occasionally too. I also stopped drinking beer, which I enjoyed.
Now at 50, my knees are shot and I can't run long distance anymore but I weigh about 155 lbs (~70 kgs). I do like hiking yet and am still reasonably fit. I just eat healthy and stay away from sugared soft drinks. I don't need more sleep than about four or five hours a night. I try to keep on the move and with the commitments that I have made to my various hobbies, I am busy most nights of the week and weekends. I watch almost no TV. Just don't have time for it.
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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by dr.jayakumar » Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:24 pm

guys ABOVE you all are great,am nothing compared to you all.i was a amateur boxer,12 to 24 yrs old,had appeared for my school at state level,never won any competition.all i got was bleeding nose and torn eyebrows,so i quit and started to gym regularly,am 46 now,going on.i trek when oppurtunity arise,work in my farm and ride horse thrice a week.and do teach my son to box and not LOOSE like his dad ha ha ha.i do some yoga on sundays to get my head straight?
thats all from me.....anyways nice topic to boast!

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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by perfectionist1 » Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:09 pm

Hi Guys,
I am 36 year old, Dr. JK interesting topic.
I have a home gym do cardio, weights and gymming from 8 pm till 10-10.30 pm (going to start now :))
Concentrate on each muscle group per day - Shoulder, Lats, Chest, Arms (B&T), Abs & Back, Legs.
Been doing it from past 2.5 yrs almost, prior to that was couch potato :lol:

Wishing best to all.....cheers..

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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by ribaalber » Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:31 pm

I am 35.
Used to be a Fat @$$ and then I discovered power lifting last year. I have had several injuries in the past few months but I won't give up.
Also I have become strong like an OX :-)

I love lifting..
I lift 3-4 days a week. I sprint for 20 minutes twice or thrice a month.

My goal is to squat 150, Dead Lift 170 and Bench 140 (KGs) by the end of this year.
Right now doing light Cardio as I am recovering from another injury :(
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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by brihacharan » Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:41 pm

Hi Guys,
My Fitness Regime
Going thro’ this thread I couldn’t resist the temptation to add my own…

> To begin with I’ll be 75 come July!
My tryst with fitness began when I was 12 yrs old – My inspiration was my Dad who was a good swimmer & good on Roman Rings.
• At that age I did 254 free hand squats in 5 minutes at a local health club & won a medal!
• At 16 I joined a gym & was inducted into weight training….
• Won the Jr. Mr. Bombay Best Physique Title (Runner Up) for 2 consecutive years
• Won the Mr. Ruperal College (Mumbai) – Best Physique Title
• Won the Class 3 Mr. Bombay University Title – Best Physique
• Won the 1st prize for Weight Lifting (Bantam Weight Class) Bombay University
• Was a member of College Boxing Team (Didn’t compete in any tournaments)
• Love swimming, trekking, camping & Hunting (During times when it was permitted)

These days I do (3 times a week) which takes me 1 hour approximately
• 40 push-ups (10 x 4)
• Bicep curling with 3kg dumbbells (10 reps x 3 sets)
• Sit-ups (15 reps x 3 sets)
• Body stretching (Tai Chi style) helps to keep body muscles supple
• Followed by 5 minutes of Pranayam

My diet consists of:
• Breakfast > 2 toasted slices of multigrain bread + 1 poached egg or Slice of Cheese (alternate days) +1 cup of milk with oats + 1 teaspoon of roasted flax seed + 1 seasonal fruit
• Lunch > 3 saucer shaped rotis + boiled vegetables slightly spiced + 1 cup yoghurt
• Dinner > 2 scoops of rice + dal / curried vegetables + raita

Once a week I eat white meat (Chicken / Fish) preferably grilled – during lunch
* 1 cup of coffee in the morning & 2 cups of tea during the day with biscuits
* Hit the sack everyday by 11pm and wake up at 5.30am
* I admit I enjoy a mug of beer / a couple of tots of Single Malt in the company of friends :D

My motto in life –
• Seek courage to change things I can
• Seek strength to accept things that I can’t change
• Seek wisdom to know the difference

I wish to conclude by quoting ‘Albert Camus’…
Don’t walk ahead of me for I may not follow
Don’t walk behind me for I may not lead
Walk beside me & be my friend

Cheers :cheers:

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Re: What is your Fitness Regime

Post by Vikram » Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:37 pm

Briha ji,

Bravo! That's an inspiration right there.Many who do exercise, play sports etc, hang up everything and become slobs right into their early thirties.Very few make fitness into a lifestyle practice.Most of South Asians are prone to diseases like diabetes, hypertension and heart issues,which are largely results of lack of exercise and bad food habits.

Height: A shade over 6'
Weight: A reasonably neat 90 k.g (All of it is not fat). Used to be a lot larger despite being physically active and a sporting type.Reason: Gluttony :oops: .

Usual exercise regime: Used to be five days weights training for 2 hours a day.Now alternate day weight training and alternate day walk for 1 1/2 hour to 2 hours.Usually do a rest day on Sunday. I do think that weight training is very important along with some form of cardio like brisk walk, jogging or swimming. The benefits are immense. I would really like to put on some more muscle though.

Diet: When it comes to enjoying good food, I am a trencherman second to none. But, as a routine, I keep the quantities sane and the contents reasonably less fatty and sugary. Almost no carbonated drinks though I enjoy a diet cola once in a blue moon.

It is very easy to take health for granted and abuse our bodies. We really need to pace ourselves if we are to enjoy a healthy life as long as we live.

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