Which shotgun is more sensible to buy?

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Which shotgun is more sensible to buy?

Post by χάος » Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:23 pm

Hello everyone,

I need a shotgun strictly for sporting purpose. I took up Trap and Double Trap shooting recently and comfortably scored to become an Aspiring shooter; I know it is not much, but that's all I managed to score by practising with 8 to 9 different guns ROTFL I shot every shotgun which was made available to me for loan or rent.
Like any sports, this discipline also demands the player to have their own equipment; the finest equipment one can afford I must add.
I participated in Double Trap Nationals but was not able to crack the MQS; hence I'm forced to buy a used gun :roll:

I went through several shotguns and shortlisted two out of them. Now, my two options are: 1) Beretta 686 Gold E, and, 2) Perazzi MX2000.
I zeroed on these options because both guns are versatile, relatively new, and most importantly I know both the gentleman personally. Before seeing the gun, I prepped myself and read the thread "What should one look for when buying a used shotgun" https://www.indiansforguns.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=458 and this http://www.range365.com/15-tips-buying-used-shotgun, and found nothing on any of these guns.

Beretta 686 Gold E (Model 2013)
Pros: In pristine condition. Brand new, mint like condition because it was brought only for one purpose, that is, to be sold. Barely 50 rounds shot, no wear and tear, no rust, absolutely no crap. This model is great for hunting and also pretty famous in competitions too. Optima-Bore® barrels with Optimachoke® tubes, and adjustable stock with Memory System. Resale value is also good, as it is a reliable name in quality civilian arms and armaments.
Cons: The price. The final negotiated price is a whopping 6.5 Lakhs; this is almost three times the actual price. I asked a few, and everyone said that although the price is a bit on the upper side but it is expected to be for a mint condition gun.

Perazzi MX2000
Pros: Better priced superior Gun, actually I have a soft corner for Perazzi when it comes to sports shooting. It has everything that the gun as mentioned above has, plus the feel and a better trigger. Final negotiated price is 9,00,000/-, this is 2013 model, around 25,000 shots fired, slight wear and tear but nothing that should be of concern. I think this is a fair price.
Cons: Nothing as such, it is reasonably priced, fairly used, very well kept, and personally used by the shooter.

I'm going to try them on Tuesday at DKSSR; I request the mentors to give their valuable inputs regarding this.

Thanks in advance! :D


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Re: Which shotgun is more sensible to buy?

Post by Vikram » Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:39 pm

I would go for the Perazzi if I have the money and I cannot get one at sensible prices. Unfortunately, it is a seller's market.

The Perazzi is a competition gun that has proven itself again and again at the very top of the game.

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Re: Which shotgun is more sensible to buy?

Post by sa_ali » Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:19 pm

As stated by vikram, if you have the money Perazzi is default choice. But if there is lil constraint, then Beretta is any more than good enough to take you to MQS level. Save money by buying beretta and put extra money in Ammo and practice throughout the year, put in more than 2500-3000 round and under guidance and you be able to easily qualify.

Beretta 686 price is pretty relevant rate, you will be able to get the money back also when you sell it after an year, may be 50K less, but this is going rate for good condition beretta with adjustable stock and choke system.
I missed my MQS by 6 birds, and i know if i had my own gun, i would have being able to put more time in dry practice and hit it, thats what i feel. I shot with both MX2000 and Beretta 686

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Re: Which shotgun is more sensible to buy?

Post by HSharief » Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:50 am

I agree with putting the money saved, for practice (and/or ammo and/or training). I have the 682 Gold and I really like it. I've shot a couple of Perazzis and the only thing I would give it is the trigger, but it goes with a "con" that the springs may/will need to be replaced.

How do you compare the triggers of the two guns ? You mention the "feel" of the Perazzi. If the Beretta feels too different for you it may show up in your scores, but with the adjustable stock, maybe an expert can make it feel just right for you. IMHO, do the same thorough analysis you've done but consider these two particular items, trigger and "feel". Plus 2.5lakhs will get you a LOT of ammo for practice and training that you will find INVALUABLE. Best of luck with your decision and let us know what you decide.

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Re: Which shotgun is more sensible to buy?

Post by χάος » Sat Dec 31, 2016 2:40 pm

Vikram wrote:I would go for the Perazzi if I have the money and I cannot get one at sensible prices. Unfortunately, it is a seller's market.
The Perazzi is a competition gun that has proven itself again and again at the very top of the game.
Hi, couldn't agree more, I also think that 9L for MX2000 is reasonable. What do you say?

Added in 48 minutes 51 seconds:
sa_ali wrote:As stated by vikram, if you have the money Perazzi is default choice. But if there is lil constraint, then Beretta is any more than good enough to take you to MQS level. Save money by buying beretta and put extra money in Ammo and practice throughout the year, put in more than 2500-3000 round and under guidance and you be able to easily qualify.

Beretta 686 price is pretty relevant rate, you will be able to get the money back also when you sell it after an year, may be 50K less, but this is going rate for good condition beretta with adjustable stock and choke system.
I missed my MQS by 6 birds, and i know if i had my own gun, i would have being able to put more time in dry practice and hit it, thats what i feel. I shot with both MX2000 and Beretta 686
No doubt about it that Beretta is good enough to score conveniently up to the MQS, and definitely even more. Now, this is making sense that I put the extra money in the ammo and training, and qualify, then sell it out and import a Perazzi to play in ISSF Cat in 2018. I'll be anyway playing in the MQS category this year.
Many people said that the asking price is not too much for a gun in such a condition and even assured that it can be sold back in relative prices, I don't mind if I get 50K less next year, I'll definitely keep the gun in the best possible way.
I can understand what it feels like when you know you can do it, but still you can't because all the odds were against you. Same happened with me.
Thanks for promptly replying :)

Added in 40 minutes 37 seconds:
HSharief wrote:I agree with putting the money saved, for practice (and/or ammo and/or training). I have the 682 Gold and I really like it. I've shot a couple of Perazzis and the only thing I would give it is the trigger, but it goes with a "con" that the springs may/will need to be replaced.
The comment is valid for leaf springs, although if you change it before it needs to be changed then there will be no problem. Anyway, it takes just seconds to change it, so you actually might have an edge if your weapon malfunctions during an event. However, coil spring is as good as any other gun but still the trigger feel is better and the time to shoot is still better than the other makes.
How do you compare the triggers of the two guns ?
I would unquestionably give thumbs up to the Perazzi, even if I shoot 20 years old Perazzi it would still shoot better than the next gun. I can say it because I mostly shoot with almost a similar gun available at DKSSR.
You mention the "feel" of the Perazzi. If the Beretta feels too different for you it may show up in your scores
Feel of Perazzi because I mostly shot Perazzi since I took up Shotgun. I started shooting in August and shot mostly Perazzi for four months, up to the Nations. Since there is plenty of time, I believe I will surely get used to a Beretta. Also since I shot 8-9 different guns all of those were among Berettas and Perazzis, I even competed Nationals with a Beretta, that is why I'm even more confident that I will get used to it.
.. but with the adjustable stock, maybe an expert can make it feel just right for you. IMHO
I agree, I am sure my coach will help me do it.
.. do the same thorough analysis you've done but consider these two particular items, trigger and "feel". Plus 2.5lakhs will get you a LOT of ammo for practice and training that you will find INVALUABLE. Best of luck with your decision and let us know what you decide.
I know, both side are so balanced that I think I would not go wrong with whatever decision I'll take. With Beretta, I'll get more leverage in money which can be utilised for more Ammo, Training and likewise, while on the other hand, with a Perazzi I'll get more confidence and a lesser urgency to change my gun in a year or two.

Added in 9 minutes 44 seconds:
Thank you for putting in your valuable inputs, if anyone feels to add anything more to it, please do so.

I wish to thank everyone, once again for the valuable and prompt contributions. With these inputs, I realised that both options weigh equally in merrits and there are almost no demerits in any of these options.

I will soon update the pics and in the meantime enjoy your holidays, party hard.

Wish you all a very Happy New Year!

Thanks and regards!


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Re: Which shotgun is more sensible to buy?

Post by herb » Sun Jan 01, 2017 7:35 pm

Nothing much to add as the members here have all provided very valuable information.

Both guns would suit your intended purpose and you would be a renowned shot (for import purposes) long before you outgrow either of them. Suggest you buy the gun that fits you better as the possibility of restocking or modification is not easy in india.

Gun fit is of utmost importance in shotgun sports (maybe not at the entry level but as you go up the ladder every bit of advantage matters). I would personally buy the gun that fits me better or even buy the cheaper gun and spend the money on gun-fitting if possible than buy a more expensive one that that is ill-fitting.

It is worthwhile to watch these videos and understand gun-fit (please ignore if you already understand gun-fit)...

Good luck with your purchase!

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Re: Which shotgun is more sensible to buy?

Post by hks2056 » Sun Jan 01, 2017 9:32 pm

competition shotguns are designed primarily for two sports i.e. Trap or Skeet.In recent years dedicated shotguns are now being offered for DTL also.
Skeet gun cannot be used for trap shooting and vice-versa.The reason for which is barrel regulation.Skeet gun is regulated with both barrels for same point of impact/aim.ON pattern board it throws 55 /50 pattern on the point of aim.In trap gun the barrels are regulated to shoot higher than point of aim and on pattern board it will throw a pattern of 60/40.Unlike skeet shotgun where both barrels are parallel to each other, in trap gun the lower barrel is inclined upwards. Moreover their stocks are designed differently which is the most important thing in competition shotgun.Trend now is to have changeable chokes in both barrels.If not then at least in the bottom barrel which is usually fired first.Make sure that dedicated trap shotgun is purchased. Don`t buy skeet or field gun for trap shooting.It will result in poor scores.Beretta 686 is entry level shotgun.Try to buy Beretta 690 or 692 Trap shotgun.Both are serious shotguns.Recoil is at least 15 percent less than 686.Once you fire 150 shots in session in a day then you would feel the difference.Don`t buy heavily shot gun irrespective of manufacturer.It will give you problems and problems unless it is serviced by the manufacturer with their warranty.

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