A welcome to arms

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A welcome to arms

Post by mundaire » Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:18 pm

Back in 2005 I had posted the following article by Dilip Raote at the old IFG Yahoo group. He makes a case for increased gun ownership in India in the Mid-Day newspaper. Unfortunately the link to the original article at http://web.mid-day.com/columns/dilip_ra ... /80695.htm no longer works. The article is copied below
A welcome to arms
By: Dilip Raote
April 9, 2004

Indians must demand the constitutional right to own and carry guns. Crooks, thugs, hoods, dons and other well-connected people can easily acquire guns. But a citizen who is at the mercy of these monsters cannot. This discrimination is thoroughly undemocratic.

Crooks, thugs, hoods, dons and other well-connected people can get away with anything - murder, rape, loot, theft of property, abduction of women and children. To victims or grieving relatives they say, "Go to court." And they laugh as they say it. Essentially, these monsters are saying that law-and-order is a joke and it is we who invented it, ha ha ha.

Satyendra Dubey, whose murder made international news, is a joke. The investigation into his murder is a joke. The shock and anger expressed by the Indian people are also jokes. These jokes make the goons who committed the crime laugh.

Thousands of non-influential citizens like Dubey are killed or pushed towards death every year. A few make one-day news; others don't even
get a two-line obituary notice.

India's major media networks are urban. They cover only urban crime. The struggles of the people in the hinterlands are shrugged off as `survival of the fittest' competition. In the hinterlands only the goons are the fittest. Their crimes are not even recorded by the police. The victim swallows his loss, grief and pride. If he complains he will suffer greater loss and humiliation.

There's nothing new in what I had said so far. All Indians, except those who've mastered the art of manipulating the system, now accept that India is a thoroughly corrupt thug-land. There are official and unofficial thugs, and it is difficult to determine which lot is more dangerous.

So jobless youngsters are joining gangs or political parties to acquire social importance and survival skills. They learn from the grassroots level how money and connections can be utilised.

Naturally, security agencies are thriving across the country. Housing complexes, business enterprises, families and almost everything else are being guarded by private security agencies. There is total loss of confidence in the policing system. In Mumbai, at least, the cops look human; elsewhere, they resemble vampires.

Security technologies businesses are also booming. Hidden cameras, complex monitoring systems, electrical fences, hi-tech watch-towers, metal grills on windows and balconies are now incorporated into the plans of all public and private buildings.

And there are the growing numbers of self-defence courses which are attracting women. Women must not only know how to earn, cook, keep house and rear children; they must also know how to defend themselves. Karate or judo classes have been added to their heavy schedule. Because in this Ram Rajya, Ravans laugh and say, "Go to court."

But security systems can be penetrated by determined goons, as shown by the growing numbers of robberies and murders in secure apartment complexes. The dead are usually those too old or too young to learn fighting skills.

Besides, karate and judo can help only in close combat. They are useless if the victim is targeted by a gun from a distance. The number of guns in supply is increasing to keep pace with the goon population. It is time ordinary Indian citizens demanded the right to carry a gun.

Indians should look up to the founding fathers of America who granted to the American people the right to carry weapons. Their fear was that if only the state was armed, it could become ruthlessly oppressive. The people must have the weapons to fight back. This American idea is worth importing.

Indians must demand the right to carry weapons to protect themselves, since the state can't do it or chooses not to do it.
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Re: A welcome to arms

Post by Prabhath » Mon Sep 11, 2017 10:27 am

A very good read. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: A welcome to arms

Post by SMJ » Mon Sep 11, 2017 3:04 pm

Great article. Journalist's like him are needed more than ever now !!

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Re: A welcome to arms

Post by bashmys » Mon Sep 11, 2017 3:30 pm

well written. thanks for sharing

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Re: A welcome to arms

Post by brihadeeshkumarj » Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:06 pm

A very good article. This message should reach the 'powers that be' so that someday someone will do something...
Brihadeesh Kumar J

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Re: A welcome to arms

Post by mayankbanerjee1 » Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:04 pm

India inherited the concept of suppression and oppression from its colonial masters. Those who once collaborated with British rulers are now thumping their chest as SWATANTRATA SENANI. The country went into the hands of goons who like to hang the photo of MAHA ATMA on the wall and a 9MM in their waist, unfortunately, the herd of goats called "Citizens of India" still vote in name of cast/creed or religion. Some of these goats can vote for a bottle of BEER (Educated goat) / Desi (Uneducated Goat) . Once india got Independence the Entire History Book is riddled with Gandhi and Nehru. No body asked, what happened to the Azad Hind Fauz, their arms & treasury. why we did not honored those brave souls. Correct me if i am wrong but none of the Azad Hind Fauz members ever received pension or anything like that. The country is truly riddled with goons as pointed in the article above.

Great Article and i agree with it.

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Re: A welcome to arms

Post by panzernain » Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:33 pm

Very well written article. Specially relevant under the current scenario.

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Re: A welcome to arms

Post by Neeraj2701 » Sun Mar 04, 2018 3:16 pm

Sir, The Article is ultimate eye opener. As written way back in 2004 , but seems written yesterday & 100& relevant with today's scenario.
Sadly we cant even buy /Posses a Toy gun (Airsoft)

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